Some day we’ll take it for granted that all meat is grown in vats, our implanted gadgets are powered by our own fat and everything we own has been stitched together into a wirelessly-connected network of responsive stuff. But for now there’s still something quirky and novel about watching yet another object become part of the internet of things. The latest connected whatsit is your Christmas lights. For a measly $200, an Australian startup called Moore’s Cloud will sell you a string of controllable LED lights that can make your tree play along to your favorite tunes like it’s the showpiece of the Macy’s holiday light display. Unfortunately, you’ll have to wait until next Christmas to experience the magic—Moore’s Cloud is currently sold out, and owing to manufacturing snafus, even those who ordered this year will only just barely get their lights in time for Christmas. One thing that’s interesting about Moore’s Cloud is that its app-controlled lights have a similar control interface to the Philips Hue smart LED lightbulb and many other “smart” lights. Even though the Internet of [Lights] is new, designers and manufacturers seem to be standardizing on ways to interface with it.