25 surprising facts about the increasingly mobile nature of online and in-store retail

Stores are a great place to try out goods before buying them on your phone from someone else.
Stores are a great place to try out goods before buying them on your phone from someone else.
Image: AP/Jeff Chiu
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55% of mobile users buy products on their devices, but 80% research purchases on them

Less than half of top retailers have a mobile site and app

88% of mobile users engage in some kind of mobile commerce

72% of consumers aged 20-40 in US and UK will use mobile devices to compare prices in-store

48 million US shoppers will use their smartphone as an “on-demand aide-de-camp” in stores

$43.4 billion is what US holiday shoppers are expected to spend online this season, up 17% from last year

14% of people with mobile phones have used them to make purchases while drunk

23% of holiday shoppers in the US will spend more online than offline

28% of US adults with a mobile device will use them to shop on Thanksgiving, vs. 16% last year

32% of smartphone owners plan to download a shopping app for the holidays

20% of online sales in the UK will be made through a mobile device in 2012

12 times as many users engaged with store signage that could interact with their smartphones via Near Field Communication, when compared to QR codes

35% of those with mobile phones have trust issues when it comes to shopping online

Right now is the best time to trade in your previous-generation smartphone for a new model

More than half of all app downloads will still be occurring on iTunes by 2017

132% more money was spent by UK marketers on mobile advertisements in 2012 than 2011

88% of ecommerce in the world is still conducted on PCs; in the US, that figure is 81%

10% of website traffic in the US comes from tablets, 8% from tablets

89% of all website traffic from tablets comes from iPads

61% of all website traffic from smartphones comes from iPhones

1 in 3 US consumers is thinking about buying a tablet computer this holiday season

388 million Chinese access the web through their mobile phone, more than do so via PC

There are 260 million mobile connections in Brazil, higher than its population

More than half of all phones purchased in the world will be smartphones by 2013