On Friday, Dec. 5, a woman said she was raped by her Uber cab driver in Delhi. After a quick investigation on what Uber was, Delhi government officials proceeded to tackle the problem in the most effective way: by banning Uber.
Because no Uber, no rape.
(But then again: no women, no rape.)
Indian officials are always very quick to point out the causes behind the disconcerting number of rapes that happens in the country, but misplace the blame: here are several of their theories, in a running list that our readers are welcome to help us expand.
So, for the benefit of Indian officials everywhere, below is a list of things that do not cause rape.
- Uber does not cause rape.
- Chow mein does not cause rape.
- Non vegetarian food does not cause rape.
- Zodiac signs do not cause rape.
- Lack of entertainment options does not cause rape.
- Mobile phones do not cause rape.
- Western clothes do not cause rape.
- Item numbers in movies (I.e., featured musical numbers) do not cause rape.
- Watching movies with a friend does not cause rape. Not even at night. Not even if the friend is male.
- Taking buses does not cause rape. Not even at night. Not even with a male friend.
- Working outside the home does not cause rape.
- Job at call centers do not cause rape.
- Bikinis do not cause rape.
- Being a grown-up woman does not cause rape.
- Not following Indian traditions does not cause rape.
- Drinking alcohol does not cause rape.
- Wearing skirts does not cause rape. Not even wearing short ones.
- Sex education does not cause rape.
- Pubs do not cause rape.
- Friendship with boys does not cause rape.
- Being sexually active does not cause rape.
- Reporting rape does not cause rape.
- Going out at night does not cause rape.
- Dancing at weddings does not cause rape.
- Not calling your rapist “brother” does not cause rape.
- Not wearing overcoats does not cause rape.
- Being attractive does not cause rape.
- Wearing makeup does not cause rape.
- Bad stars do not cause rape.
- Being married does not cause marital rape.
- Pushing your limits does not cause rape.
- Resisting rape does not cause rape.
- Not enjoying rape does not cause rape.
- Co-education does not cause rape.
- Small talk does not cause rape.
- Having an abusive husband does not cause rape.