Jeb Bush thinks the Apple Watch can help replace Obamacare

Nice watch.
Nice watch.
Image: Reuters/Deanna Dent
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US presidential hopeful Jeb Bush thinks recent health care reform measures, better known as Obamacare, ought to be repealed. He has also become quite a fan of the Apple Watch, and today he suggested that one could replace the other. Here’s the clip:

Speaking to an audience in Tempe, Arizona, Bush said the US government “should repeal Obamacare if given the opportunity” and give people more control over their own health care decisions. Then he pointed to his wrist, which was sporting a new Apple Watch, and said that it and similar devices could help that process along:

On this device, in five years, will be applications that will allow me to manage my health care in ways that five years ago were not even possible…. We’ll be able to guide our own health care decisions in a way that will make us healthy. And ultimately, we have to get to a health system away from a disease system.

The exact connection between the watch and the government’s health care incentives wasn’t really clear.

Bush isn’t the only Republican politician wearing the Apple Watch these days. Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House, is currently reviewing the smartwatch for tech site Mashable.