Podcast: Real talk about the economics of US immigration

Who should be tending to US farmworkers?
Who should be tending to US farmworkers?
Image: Reuters/Lucy Nicholson
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This week, Actuality considers Donald Trump’s plans for immigration reform and finds them wanting. And, do US farms need more immigrant labor—or just to pay higher wages? Plus, the neuroscience of long-distance Turkish whistling.

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On this week’s show, we discuss Donald Trump’s immigration plan, which could help shape the Republican presidential primary. Our guests include Jeffrey Passel from the Pew Research Center, who studies the undocumented immigrant population in the US, and Doris Meissner, who directs US immigration policy work at the Migration Policy Institute. We also talk to John Carney about (the myth of?) farm labor shortages. And you can learn more about long-distance Turkish whistling here.

Actuality is a podcast jointly produced by Quartz and Marketplace, hosted by Tim Fernholz and Sabri Ben-Achour. Follow us on Twitter, and let us know what you think of the show!