Amidst daily images of American families who can’t drink their own tap water and migrants suffering through the hellish limbo of a Calais winter, decent people find themselves asking: How about Kanye West? Is he doing ok? Does he have everything he needs?
Tragically, the answer is no. Somehow, the man whose party guest lists run the gamut from Michael Jordan to “every awesome wrestler” claims to find himself $53 million in debt.
West shared these circumstances via Twitter this past weekend, apparently while waiting to take the stage as the musical guest on Saturday Night Live. After a poetic series of tweets comparing himself to St. Paul, Kanye disclosed this:
He then reached out to a place that understands genius, big thinking, and megalomania: Silicon Valley.
It’s not like Zuckerberg has anything better to do with his money.
Mark Zuckerberg, if you are reading this, West really, really needs to get in touch with you.
The rest of us could help out here, too.
Google co-founder Larry Page wouldn’t be bad either. Whoever, really.
Kanye would never come right out and say it, but you kind of owe it to him.
The particulars of his supposed debt problem are not clear at this time. His fashion line, Yeezy, just launched a well-received third season. His seventh album, “The Life of Pablo,” was briefly released Feb. 14 before West pulled it from sale. But, as West explains, it’s not that simple. He wants to make the world dope, and lacks the resources to do so at this time.
It’s not like he wants a handout. The man has a business plan:
Plus there’s this:
So as you’re thinking about how to make the world a better place with your philanthropy giving, consider adding Kanye West to your list of worthy recipients. After all: