Radiohead is getting fans ready for its newest record by running away from them.
Followers of the band on Reddit have noted the rock group has steadily erased its online presence within the past twelve hours, deleting Tweets and Facebook posts of the band and its members.
As early as 5:19PM GMT on May 1, the band’s website steadily decreased in opacity until it became entirely white about one hour later. now displays a single, completely blank page.
The band’s avatars and background on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ have also turned white, and all posts have been removed.

Singer Thom Yorke also white washed his personal Twitter account, and guitarist Johnny Greenwood replaced his avatar with a pearl-hued haze.
The sudden disappearances are fueling fan speculation of an imminent record release. Days ago, some Radiohead fans received flyers in the mail reading “Burn The Witch”—which happens to be the name of an unreleased Radiohead song.
The band also registered two new companies—Dawn Chorus LLP and Dawnnchoruss Ltd, in October and February respectively. It did the same before the unveiling its two most recent records, King of the Limbs in 2011 and In Rainbows in 2007. In Rainbows shook up the music industry when the band put it online, independently, letting fans decide how much to pay for it.
Radiohead’s internet disappearing act is incomplete, however. The band’s Myspace page still has photos and events, as well as over 600,000 “connections.” It is unclear whether this is on purpose, or the band just forgot about it.