On Tuesday (Sept. 13), Apple launched its newest mobile operating system, iOS 10. Apple called the software its “biggest iOS release ever,” and while there were many new features to try out—like the overly jaunty new iMessages, or the fact that your phone can now automatically remember where you parked your car—the company also redesigned a lot of the interactions that its users have become used to over the last decade. One of the main changes: You no longer swipe to unlock the iPhone. Instead, you’re now supposed to click on the home button to either bring up the passcode screen, or unlock the phone with a fingerprint.
While there’s no way to bring back the swiping to unlock function, there is a setting that might make unlocking your phone a little less confusing. First spotted on Twitter, the setting gets rid of the need to push the home button to unlock the phone—you just have to wake up the phone and rest your finger on the home button. This works as long as your iPhone has a TouchID fingerprint sensor (which is every phone since the iPhone 5S) and you have a fingerprint saved in the phone.
To enable the setting, follow these steps:
- Open Settings
- Tap on General
- Tap on Accessibility
- Scroll down to Home Button and tap it
- Turn on the “Rest Finger to Open” setting
And now you’ll just have to have your finger on the home button to open your phone. But if you don’t have a fingerprint lock enabled, you’ll still have to press the button to bring up the passcode screen. And unfortunately, either way, swiping on the lock screen will never open your phone again—it’ll just bring you into the camera app, or the notifications quagmire that is the widgets screen.