Ken Bone, the everyday American elevated to instant celebrity by Sunday’s town-hall presidential debate, is now hyping luxury Uber rides. He appeared on Oct. 12 in his signature red sweater and glasses as part of an ad for UberSelect. “Everyone wants to know if I’ve decided… and I have,” Bone tweeted today. “uberSELECT helps you ride in style like me.”
Uber said it approached Bone earlier this week to see if he’d be interested in teaming up for the launch of UberSelect in St. Louis, Missouri, the city that hosted the second presidential debate. The company is providing Bone with Uber credit for participating in the launch, though it declined to specify how much.
According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Bone took “a brief ride in a Tesla” this morning—his first ever with Uber—before returning to tell reporters that Select matches his “high sense of impeccable style.”
The promo code for $20 off an UberSelect ride in St. Louis is KENBONE.