America’s first lady is more popular than her husband, than either US presidential candidate, and both major parties. According to the latest WSJ/NBC poll, 59% of respondents view Michelle Obama in a positive light, making her by far the most liked on the national political stage.
Of course, Obama has one clear advantage in a poll like this: She is not an elected official. She does not have to pay the “politician tax,” automatically getting negative points just by the virtue of her job.
The people and parties listed here are ordered highest to lowest based on their positive score minus their negative score.
Always a popular first lady, Obama has emerged as a crucial voice of common sense and empathy during the presidential campaign, giving two blockbuster speeches. Her remarks at the Democratic National Convention were touted by the media as the best speech of the gathering, and the speech of a lifetime. But stumping for Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail in October following revelations about Donald Trump’s comments about groping women, she arguably outdid herself with a scathing, moving, and personal speech about being a woman witnessing the ugliness of the 2016 election. Conservative radio talk show host Glenn Beck called the remarks “the most effective political speech” he’s seen since Ronald Reagan was in the White House.
Although many would like to see the first lady run for president (in fact, people tweet their support for FLOTUS 2020 every day), Obama has repeatedly said this was not her ambition, making the following headline from satirical publication “The Onion” ring very true: Michelle Obama To DNC: ‘After This Election You Dipshits Are On Your Own.’