Holiday cards you’d send your family if you could be honest about 2016

Holiday cards you’d send your family if you could be honest about 2016
Image: Illustration by Eric Palma
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Here we are again, at the end of another year. It’s our annual chance to reflect, to gather with family, to eat, to drink, to be merry! And let’s be honest…to hide in the bathroom for extended periods of time, tooling around on our phones to escape a hoard of crazy relatives.

Because here in America, 2016 was—how do you say? A crap year. We’re ready for it to be over. We’re steeling ourselves to keep smiling as we exchange last-minute gifts with that racist, sexist cousin who flew into town without warning. We’re doing our genuine best to keep up with our Instagram food posts, even though we’ve already plumped up by 10 pounds. And we’re promising ourselves—holdover promises from Thanksgiving, really—that we won’t speak of he-who-cannot-be-named. He whose one-syllable moniker rhymes with lump. And dump. And chump.

But sometimes we give in. Sometimes we enter the land of dark thoughts. Fortunately, that land has holiday cards too. Here are some illustrated cards from our family (one editor, one illustrator, one kid, and one dog) to yours. They may not reflect the most cheerful view of our year in community, work, happiness, health, prosperity, hope, love and family…but at least they’re honest.

drawing of a man watching the ball drop on tv by himself with his laptop
Drawing of elves gathered around a fire barrel outside as Santa sits inside
illustration of families stressed out and shopping
Drawing of a woman running and taking pills
Drawing of a family exchanging guns for Christmas
Drawing of a man in a racist baseball cap sitting on a park bench
Drawing of a homeless man with a dog
Drawing of family members at a table all looking at their devices