The force is strong with Commander Scott Kelly and the rest of the 45th Expedition to the International Space Station, as their Jedi-themed promo poster, above, makes quite clear.
Quartz has previously detailed the strange rituals that send astronauts to the ISS, but we have failed to mention one crucial aspect: Every expedition is heralded with its own unique promotional poster, often parodying popular movies. They are incredible.
The promo posters are part of NASA’s Space Flight Awareness group, which aims to “increase awareness of the Space Flight Program accomplishments, milestones and objectives with a focus on safety and mission success.” We’re not sure how astronauts pretending to be pirates helped keep them safe—but we’re sure glad they pretended to be pirates.
Here is NASA’s full archive of the posters, starting with Expedition 1 in 2000 and going all the way to our Jedi friends in Expedition 45, slated to begin in September. Below are some of our favorites:
All images are credited to NASA.