Cannabis coffee pods are about to become compatible with millions of household Keurig machines

Mary Jane in the morning.
Mary Jane in the morning.
Image: Reuters/Amir Cohen
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Early risers seeking a little extra from their morning buzz will soon be able to turn to their Keurig brewers. A San Diego, California, company called Brewbudz says it is preparing to introduce cannabis coffee pods to the market, and promises they’ll be compatible with the ubiquitous single-serve coffee machines.

The pods will contain a mixture of caffeinated coffee and cannabis flower. They’ll cost $7 each and are expected to be available by March. Brewbudz says it also is creating a line of decaffeinated coffee, teas, and hot cocoa pods.

Each cup of the initial product will contain 10 milligrams of THC for recreational users, and up to 50 milligrams for medical users, reports Westword, a Denver-based entertainment magazine.

K-cup pods have been criticized for being one of the environmentally unfriendly forms of coffee on the market. The plastic waste generated by the cups has led even the creator of the coffee pods to admit he regrets having ever invented them. Brewbudz says it will sell its pods in 100% compostable packaging. “When composted correctly, the pod can break down in as little as 5 weeks, leaving no toxic residue,” the company says on its website.