Americans really aren’t so fickle. Ask them what brands they like best, and they’ll generally chose the ones they routinely encounter, whether at work or in the home.
That’s why the latest list of America’s best-loved brands, based on survey data from the market research firm Morning Consult, is packed with names in technology and food.
In fact, there wasn’t a single name in the top 10 that isn’t a tech or food brand, save for UPS. It tied for fourth place with Amazon, perhaps helped by the fact that it delivers much of what America orders online from Amazon. (UPS also deserves affection for the incredibly cute electric trucks it’s piloting in London and Paris, but this new test program was announced after Morning Consult’s surveys were conducted and thus could not have had an effect on the survey results.)
Morning Consult collected data online from January through March, in polls involving 250,000 US adults and more than 1,000 company brand names. Each brand was rated by at least 2,500 respondents, and up to 50,000 respondents.
Here are the top 25 brands ranked by net favorability score, which is the company’s overall favorability rating minus its unfavorability rating. Given that Google took the No. 1 slot and that Amazon, YouTube, Netflix, Samsung, and Microsoft all made the top 25, embattled Facebook should perhaps be a touch concerned that it didn’t make the list.