Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition— Venezuela, private spaceflight, world’s best university

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Results in Venezuela’s presidential elections. President Hugo Chávez is expected to survive a challenge to his 14-year-rule. No matter the outcome, there will likely be little impact for the broader world. Instead, the core question at stake is more domestic: How can an oil-reliant nation distribute its massive oil wealth fairly?

Another private spaceflight milestone. SpaceX plans to launch the first commercial cargo delivery to the International Space Station. Photos and live updates from the takeoff scheduled for 8:35 PM ET here.

Euro zone finance ministers hold their monthly meeting in Luxembourg. On the agenda, discussion of the state of Spanish overhaul efforts and how the €500 billion European bailout fund will work.

US lawmakers to label China’s Huawei Technologies a national security threat. The House intelligence committee plans in a report to recommend US businesses steer clear of the telecom maker because of risks China could use its gear for spying.

US bond markets are closed for the Columbus Day holiday. The US quarterly earnings season kicks off Tuesday, with analysts predicting a 2.6% drop in profits from a year earlier for S&P 500 companies. If results are truly lackluster, slowing Chinese growth and weak demand from Europe are likely culprits.


UK Prime Minister David Cameron said his government would raise taxes on the rich. He also argued that euro zone members should contribute more to the European Union budget, with those not part of the common currency like the UK paying less.

Russian President Vladimir Putin turned 60. Celebrations included a youth sports contest and the opening of an art exhibition titled ”Putin: The Most Kind-Hearted Man in the World.”


Chinese stocks are cheap. But don’t expect a rally.

Apple should buy Nokia. Patents and maps would aid the iPhone maker.

Tricky job interview questions don’t improve hiring. Among the more useless ones: “If you were a Microsoft Office program, which would it be?”


Which university is the best in the world? The Times Higher Education says it’s California Institute of Technology.

People are making working gun parts using inexpensive 3-D printers. The Wiki Weapon project aims to distribute plans for a gun “that can be printed out from your desk.”

Best wishes from Quartz for a productive day. Please send any news, queries, spaceflight plans, and Putin-inspired art to hi@qz.com.

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