In Karachi, 65 deaths have been blamed on a heat wave that has brought unbearably hot temperatures to the Pakistani city. Temperatures hovering around 40°C (104°F) for the last few days have killed mostly elderly and poor workers in the city of more than 20 million, Reuters reports. Many of the dead are factory workers:
[Faisal Edhi, head the Edhi Foundation, which runs morgues and ambulences] said most of the dead brought to the morgue were working class factory workers who came from the low-income Landhi and Korangi areas of Karachi.
“They work around heaters and boilers in textile factories and there is eight to nine hours of (scheduled power outages) in these areas,” he said.
Karachi suffered an even more devastating heat wave in 2015, which killed more than 1,300 people.
Photos from the past two days show locals beating the heat by dousing themselves and others with water, and sleeping on the sidewalk.