Responding to China’s $50 billion worth of tariffs, the Office of the United States Trade Representative proposed an additional list of $200 billion worth of goods subject to a 10% tax.
The list of 6,031 Chinese products  (pdf) impacted by the retaliatory tariffs are reproduced below. The products range from seafood,  handbags, cashew fruit, to minerals. You can take in the whole list below. But at over 75,000 words in length, a typical reader would take about six and half hours to read it. Hope you have a good battery (previously tariffed).
Frozen retail cuts of meat of swine, nesoi
Frozen meat of swine, other than retail cuts, nesoi
Edible offal of bovine animals, fresh or chilled
Meat and edible meat offal of rabbits or hares, fresh, chilled or frozen
Meat and edible offal of deer, fresh, chilled or frozen
Frog legs, fresh, chilled or frozen
Meat of swine other than hams, shoulders, bellies (streaky) and cuts thereof, salted, in brine, dried or smoked
Live ornamental freshwater fish
Live ornamental fish, other than freshwater
Other live Fish, Atlantic & Pacific Bluefin Tunas
Other live Fish, Southern Bluefin Tunas
Live Tench (Tinca Tinca), sheatfish (Silurus Glanis), bighead carp (Aristichthys Nobilis) and other fish, nesoi
Trout, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Pacific salmon, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Atlantic and Danube salmon, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Salmonidae other than trout or Pacific, Atlantic & Danube salmon, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers & roes
Halibut and Greenland turbot, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Plaice, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Sole, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Flat fish, nesoi, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Albacore or longfinned tunas, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Yellowfin tunas, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Bigeye tunas (Thunnas obesus), fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Atlantic & Pacific bluefin tunas, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Southern bluefin tunas (Thunnas maccoyii), fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Tunas not elsewhere specified or included, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Herrings, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Anchovies, excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing with their contents <6.8 kg
Sardines, sardinella, brisling or sprats, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Mackerel, excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled
Jack & horse mackerel, excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing with their contents <6.8 kg
Jack & horse mackerel excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers > 6.8 kg
Cobia, excl. fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less
Cobia, excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers over 6.8 kg
Swordfish, fresh or chilled, excluding livers and roes
Herrings, anchovies, sardines, nesoi
Cod, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Haddock, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Coalfish, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Hake, excl. fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less
Hake,excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers over 6.8 kg
Alaska pollack, excl. fillets, livers,roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing with their contents< 6.8 kg
Alaska pollack excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers over 6.8 kg
Blue whitings, excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing with their contents <6.8 kg
Blue whitings, excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers over 6.8 kg
Bregmacerotidae et al fish, nesoi, excl. fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing < 6.8 kg
Bregmacerotidae fish, etc. excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers > 6.8 kg
Tilapias, excl. fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing with their contents <6.8 kg
Tilapias, excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers over 6.8 kg
Catfish, excl. fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less
Catfish excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers over 6.8 kg
Carp, excl. fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less
Carp excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers over 6.8 kg
Eels, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Fish beginning 0302.7, nesoi, excl. fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers < 6.8 kg
Fish beginning 0302.7, nesoi, excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled,not scaled,or scaled in containers>6.8 kg
Dogfish and other sharks, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, livers, roes and fish meat of 0304
Rays & skates, excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers over 6.8 kg
Toothfish excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers over 6.8 kg
Seabass, excl. fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less
Seabass, excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers over 6.8 kg
Seabream, excl. fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less
Seabream, excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers over 6.8 kg
Fish, nesoi, excl. fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less
Fish, nesoi, excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers over 6.8 kg
Sturgeon Roe, fresh or chilled
Mullet and other fish liver and roes, fresh or chilled
Shark fins, fresh or chilled, excluding fillet
Other fish, fresh or chilled, nesoi
Sockeye salmon (red salmon) (Orncorhynchus nerka), frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Pacific salmon, other than sockeye, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Atlantic salmon and Danube salmon, frozen, excluding livers and roes
Trout, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Salmonidae, other than trout or Atlantic and Danube salmon, nesoi, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Tilapias, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Catfish, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Carp, frozen excluding fillets, livers and roes
Eels, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Other fish in 0303.2 grouping nesoi, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Halibut and Greenland turbot, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions & livers and roes
Plaice, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Sole, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Turbots, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Flat fish, other than halibut, Greenland turbot, plaice and sole, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Albacore or longfinned tunas, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Yellowfin tunas, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Bigeye tunas (Thunnas obesus), frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Atlantic and Pacific bluefin tunas, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Southern bluefin tunas (Thunnas maccoyii), frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Tunas, not elsewhere specified or included, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Herrings, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Sardines, sardinella, brisling or sprats, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Mackerel, frozen, excluding fillets, livers and roes
Jack & horse mackerel, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Cobia, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Swordfish steaks,other swordfish , excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Other fish, frozen, excluding fillets, livers, roes and herrings
Cod, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Haddock, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Coalfish, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Hake, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Alaska pollack, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Blue whitings, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Other fish in Bregmacerotidae et al,etc. frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Dogfish and other sharks, frozen, excluding fillets, livers, roes and fish meat of 0304
Rays & skates, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Toothfish excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Sea bass, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Smelts, cusk, pollock, shad, sturgeon, atkafish, fresh-water fish,etc. frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Herring, salmon, alaskan pollock, mullet, other fist liver and roes, frozen
Shark fins excluding fillets, frozen
Other fish, frozen, nesoi
Tilapias, fillets, fresh or chilled
Catfish, fillets, fresh or chilled
Nile perch, fillets, fresh or chilled
Eels or snakeheads, fillets, fresh or chilled
Salmon fillets, fresh or chilled
Trout, fillets, fresh or chilled
, sole, plaice, etc. fillets, fresh or chilled
Bregamacerotidae & like fish, fillets, fresh or chilled
Fresh or chilled swordfish fillets
Fresh or chilled toothfish fillets
Dogfish and other shark fillets, frozen or chilled
Ray and skate fillets, fresh or chilled
Pike, pickerel, whitefish, tilapia, perch, cusk, other fish fillets, fresh or chilled
Tilapias, catfish, carp, eels, nile perch, snakeheads, other than fillets, fresh or chilled
Salmonidae, other than fillets, fresh or chilled
Bregmacerotidae and other fish, nesoi, other than fillets, fresh or chilled
Fresh or chilled swordfish other than fillets
Fresh or chilled toothfish other than fillets
Dogfish and other sharks, fresh or chilled
Rays and skates, fresh or chilled
Other fish, nesoi, other than fillets, fresh or chilled
Frozen Nile perch fillets
Frozen eel & snakehead fillets
Frozen cod fillets, skinned, in blocks weighing over 4.5 kg, to be minced, ground or cut into pieces of uniform weight and dimension
Fillets, frozen, of cod, other than above
Frozen haddock fillets, skinned, in blocks weighing over 4.5 kg, to be minced, ground or cut into pieces of uniform weight and dimension
Fillets, frozen, of haddock, other than above
Frozen coalfish fillets, skinned, in blocks weighing over 4.5 kg, to be minced, ground or cut into pieces of uniform weight and dimension
Frozen hake fillets, skinned, in blocks weighing over 4.5 kg, to be minced, ground or cut into pieces of uniform weight and dimension
Frozen Alaska pollack fillets, skinned, in blocks weighing over 4.5 kg, to be minced, ground or cut
Fillets, frozen, of Alaska pollock, other than above
Frozen Bregmacerotidae et al fish fillets,nesoi, skinned, in blocks weighing over 4.5 kg, to be minced, ground or cut into pieces
Frozen fillets of other fresh-water fish, flat fish, etc., nesoi, other than above
Frozen salmon fillets, skinned, in blocks weighing over 4.5 kg, to be minced, ground or cut into pieces of uniform weight
Other frozen salmon fillets
Frozen trout fillets, skinned, in blocks weighing over 4.5 kg, to be minced, ground or cut into pieces of uniform weight and dimension
Frozen trout fillets, other than above
Frozen “flat fish” fillets, skinned, in blocks weighing over 4.5 kg, to be minced, ground or cut into pieces of uniform weight and dimension
Frozen “other flat fish” fillets, other than above
Dogfish, other shark, ray and skate fillets, frozen
Other frozen fish fillets, skinned, in blocks weighing over 4.5 kg, to be minced, ground or cut into pieces of uniform weight and dimension
Other frozen fish fillets, other than above
Chilled or Frozen Swordfish fillets, in bulk or in immediate containers weighing with their contents over 6.8 kg each
Chilled or Frozen Swordfish Fillets,nesoi
Chilled or Frozen Toothfish fillets, in bulk or in immediate containers weighing with their contents over 6.8 kg each
Chilled or Frozen Toothfish Fillets,nesoi
Chilled or Frozen tilapia & like fillets,nesoi, in bulk or in immediate containers weighing > 6.8 kg each
Tilapias , catfish, carp, eels, nile perch & snakehead chilled or frozen fillets,nesoi
Alaska pollack chilled or frozen fillets,in bulk or in immediate containers weighing with their contents over 6.8 kg each
Alaska pollack, chilled or frozen fillets,nesoi
Chilled or Frozen fillets,Bregmacerotidae & like, nesoi, in bulk or in immediate containers > 6.8 kg each
Bregamacerotidae other fish, other than Alaska pollack, nesoi, chilled or frozen fillets,nesoi
Dogfish and other sharks, frozen, nesoi
Ray and skates, frozen, nesoi
Chilled or Frozen fillets,nesoi, in bulk or in immediate containers weighing with their contents over 6.8 kg each
Chilled or Frozen fillets,nesoi
Flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human consumption, in bulk or in immediate containers weighing with contents over 6.8 kg each
Flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human consumption, other than in bulk or immediate containers weighing contents over 6.8 kg each
Sturgeon roe, dried, smoked, salted or in brine
Fish livers and roes, other than sturgeon roe, dried, smoked, salted or in brine
Tilapia, catfish, carp, eel, nile perch, snakehead fillets, dried or salted in brine, but not smoked
fillets, nesoi, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked
Fillets of herrings, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less each
Fillets of mackerel, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less each
Herring and other fist fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked
Smoked Pacific, Atlantic and Danube salmon, including fillets
Smoked herrings, including fillets
Smoked trout, including fillets
Tilapia, catfish, carp, eel, nile perch, snakehead including fillets, smoked
Smoked mackerel, including fillets
Smoked fish, including fillets, nesoi
Dried cod, whether or not salted but not smoked
Tilapia, catfish, carp, eel, nile perch, snakehead, not smoked, dried, whether or not salted
Fish of families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae,Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae, dried but not smoked
Herrings, anchovies, sardines, sardinella, brisling or sprat, mackerel, Indian mackeral, seerfish, dried, whether or not salted, but not smoked
Dried fish, other than cod or shark fins, whether or not salted but not smoked
Herrings, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less each
Herrings, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked, other than in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less each
Cod, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked
Anchovies, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked, in immediate airtight containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less each
Anchovies, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked, in immediate containers, nesoi, weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less each
Anchovies, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked, other than in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less each
Tilapias, catfish, carp, eel, Nile perch, or snakehead, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked, in immediate containers <6.8 kg
Tilapias, catfish, carp, eel, Nile perch, or snakehead, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked, other than in containers <6.8 kg
Cusk, haddock, hake, and pollock, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked
Mackerel, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less each
Mackerel, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked, other than in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less each
Salmon, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked
Fish, nesoi, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less each
Fish, nesoi, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked, other than in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less each
Dried shark fins, whether or not salted but not smoked
Fish heads, tails, and maws, whether or not salted but not smoked
Edible fish offal, other fish heads tails and maws or shark fins, whether or not salted but not smoked
Rock lobster and other sea crawfish, cooked in shell or uncooked, dried, salted or in brine, frozen
Lobsters excluding rock lobster, cooked in shell or uncooked, dried, salted or in brine, frozen
Crabs, cooked in shell or uncooked (whether in shell or not), dried, salted or in brine, frozen
Norway lobsters, cooked in shell or uncooked, dried, salted or in brine, frozen
Cold-water shrimps and prawns, cooked in shell or uncooked, dried, salted or in brine, frozen
Other shrimps and prawns, cooked in shell or uncooked, dried, salted or in brine, frozen
Crustateans, nesoi (including flours, meals and pellets of crustaceans fit for human consumption), cooked in shell or uncooked, etc., frozen
Live rock lobster and other sea crawfish, frozen or chilled
Live lobsters (Homarus spp.), frozen or chilled, except rock lobster
Crabmeat, fresh or chilled
Live crabs, fresh or chilled, other than crabmeat
Live Norway lobsters, frozen or chilled
Cold water shrimps and prawns, shell-on or peeled, live, frozen, or chilled
Shrimps and prawns, other than cold water shrimp, shell-on or peeled, live, frozen or chilled
Flours, meals and pellets of crustaceans, fress or chilled, fit for human consumption, or other crustaceans, live, fresh or chilled
Rock lobster and other sea crawfish nesoi
Lobsters (Homarus SPP.), except rock lobster nesoi
Crabs, other than crabmeat, nesoi
Norway lobsters (Nephrops Norvegicus), nesoi
Other shrimps and prawns, shell-on or peeled
Flours, meals and pellets of crustaceans, fit for human consumption or crustraceans nesoi
Oysters, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, or chilled
Oysters, fresh or chilled
Scallops, including queen scallops, whether in shell or not, live, fresh or chilled
Scallops, including queen scallops, of the genera Pecten, Chlamys or Placopecten, frozen
Scallops, including queen scallops, of the genera Pecten, Chlamys or Placopecten, dried, salted or in brine
Mussels, whether in shell or not, live, fresh or chilled
Mussels (Mytilus Spp., Perna Spp.), frozen
Mussels (Mytilus Spp., Perna Spp.), dried, salted or in brine
Squid or cuttle fish, live, fresh or chilled
Squid or cuttle fish, frozen
Squid or cuttle fish, dried, salted or in brine
Octopus, live, fresh or chilled
Octopus, dried, salted or in brine
Snails, other than sea snails, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine
Clams, cockles and ark shells, whether in shell or not, live, fresh or chilled
Clams, cockles and ark shells, frozen
Clams, cockles and ark shells, dried salted or in brine
Abalone, whether in shell or not, live, fresh or chilled
Live stromboid conch, fresh or chilled
Abalone, including flours, meals and pellets fit for human consumption, frozen
Stromboid conchs (Strombus Spp.), frozen
Abalone, including edible flours, meals and pellets, nesoi
Conch and other molluscs nesoi, including flours, meals and pellets, fit for human consumption, live, fresh o chilled
Conch and other molluscs nesoi, including flours, meals and pellets, fit for human consumption, frozen
Molluscs, including flours, meals and pellets fit for human consumption, nesoi
Sea cucumbers, live, fresh or chilled
Sea cucumbers, not frozen
Sea urchins, live, fresh or chilled
Jellly fish, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted smoked, or in brine
Other aquatic invertebrates, oth than molluscs & crustaceans, nesoi, live, fresh or chilled, dried, salted, smoked or in brine
Whey protein concentrates
Modified whey (except protein conc.), subject to gen. note 15 of the HTS
Modified whey (except protein conc.), wheth/not conc. or sweetened, subject to add US note 10 to Ch.4
Modified whey (except protein conc.), wheth/not conc. or sweetened, not subject to gen. note 15 or
Fluid whey, whether or not concentrated or containing added sweeteners
Whey (except modified whey), dried, whether or not conc. or sweetened, subject to gen. note 15 of the HTS
Whey (except modified whey), dried, whether or not conc. or sweetened, subject to add. US note 12 to Ch. 4
Whey (except modified whey), dried, whether or not conc. or sweetened, not subject to gen. note 15 or add US nte 12 to Ch.4
Butter subject to general note 15 (outside quota)
Butter subject to quota pursuant to chapter 4 additional US note 6
Butter not subject to general note 15 and in excess of quota in chapter 4 additional U.S. note 6
Birds’ eggs, in shell, fertilized eggs for incubation, other than Gallus domesticus
Birds’ eggs, in shell, other fresh, not fertilized eggs for incubation, of species Gallus domesticus
Birds’ eggs, in shell, other fresh, not fertilized eggs for incubation, other than species Gallus domesticus
Birds’ eggs, in shell, fresh, preserved or cooked
Egg yolks, dried, whether or not containing added sweeteners
Egg yolks, other than dried, whether or not containing added sweeteners
Birds’ eggs, not in shell, other than dried, whether or not containing added sweeteners
Edible products of animal origin, nesoi
Human hair, unworked, whether or not washed and scoured; waste of human hair
Pigs’, hogs’ or boars’ bristles and hair and waste thereof
Badger hair and other brushmaking hair, nesoi, and waste thereof
Guts, bladders and stomachs of animals (other than fish), whole and pieces thereof
Feathers of a kind used for stuffing, and down
Skins and parts of birds with their feathers or down (except meal and waste) nesoi
Ossein and bones treated with acid
Bones & horn-cores, unworked, defatted, simply prepared (but not cut to shape) or degelatinized; powder & waste of these products
Tortoise shell, whalebone and whalebone hair, horns, antlers, hooves, nails, claws and beaks, unworked or simply prepared; waste and powder
Coral, shells, cuttlebone and similar materials, unworked or simply prepared, but not cut to shape; powder and waste thereof
Cantharides; bile; glands and other animal products nesoi, used in pharmaceutical products
Products of fish, crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates nesoi; dead animals of chapter 3, unfit for human consumption
Parings and similar waste of raw hides or skins; glue stock nesoi
Animal products chiefly used as food for animals or as ingredients in such food, nesoi
Horsehair and horsehair waste, whether or not put up as a layer with or without supporting material
Natural sponges of animal origin
Animal products nesoi; dead animals of chapter 1, unfit for human consumption
Onion sets, fresh or chilled
Pearl onions not over 16 mm in diameter, fresh or chilled
Onions, other than onion sets or pearl onions not over 16 mm in diameter, and shallots, fresh or chilled
Leeks and other alliaceous vegetables nesoi, fresh or chilled
Cauliflower and headed broccoli, fresh or chilled, if entered June 5 to October 15, inclusive, in any year
Cauliflower and headed broccoli, fresh or chilled, not reduced in size, if entered Oct. 16 through June 4, inclusive
Cauliflower and headed broccoli, fresh or chilled, reduced in size, if entered Oct. 16 through June 4, inclusive
Cabbage, fresh or chilled
Kohlrabi, kale and similar edible brassicas nesoi, including sprouting broccoli, fresh or chilled
Carrots, fresh or chilled, reduced in size
Carrots, fresh or chilled, not reduced in size, under 10 cm in length
Carrots, fresh or chilled, not reduced in size, 10 cm or over in length
Turnips, fresh or chilled
Radishes, fresh or chilled
Beets and horseradish, fresh or chilled
Salsify, celeriac, radishes and similar edible roots nesoi, fresh or chilled
Cucumbers, including gherkins, fresh or chilled, if entered May 1 to June 30, inclusive, or Sept. 1 to Nov. 30, inclusive, in any year
Peas, fresh or chilled, shelled or unshelled, if entered July 1 to Sept. 30, inclusive, in any year
Peas, fresh or chilled, shelled or unshelled, if entered Nov. 1 through the following June 30, inclusive
Cowpeas (other than black-eye peas), fresh or chilled, shelled or unshelled
Beans nesoi, fresh or chilled, shelled or unshelled
Lentils, fresh or chilled, shelled or unshelled
Leguminous vegetables nesoi, fresh or chilled, shelled or unshelled
Celery, other than celeriac, fresh or chilled, reduced in size
Celery, other than celeriac, fresh or chilled, not reduced in size, if entered April 15 to July 31, inclusive, in any year
Celery, other than celeriac, fresh or chilled, not reduced in size, if entered August 1 through the following April 14, inclusive
Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus, fresh or chilled
Truffles, fresh or chilled
Mushrooms, other than of the genus Agaricus, fresh or chilled
Chili peppers, fresh or chilled
Fruits of the genus capsicum (peppers) (ex. chili peppers) or of the genus pimenta (e.g., Allspice), fresh or chilled
Jicamas and breadfruit, fresh or chilled
Chayote (Sechium edule), fresh or chilled
Fiddlehead greens, fresh or chilled
Sweet corn, fresh or chilled
Vegetables, not elsewhere specified or included, fresh or chilled
Potatoes, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen
Peas, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, if entered July 1 through September 30, inclusive, in any year
Peas, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, if entered Jan. 1 through June 30, or Oct. 1 through Dec. 31, inclusive
Lima beans, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, not reduced in size, entered Nov. 1 through the following May 31
Lima beans, frozen, entered June 1 – October 31
Cowpeas (other than black-eye peas), uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, not reduced in size
Frozen string beans (snap beans), not reduced in size
Frozen beans nesoi, not reduced in size
Beans nesoi, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, reduced in size
Chickpeas (garbanzos), uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen
Pigeon peas, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, if entered July 1 through September 30, inclusive, in any year
Pigeon peas, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, if entered Oct. 1 through the following June 30, inclusive
Leguminous vegetables nesoi, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen
Spinach, New Zealand spinach and orache spinach (garden spinach), uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen
Sweet corn, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen
Bamboo shoots and water chestnuts (other than Chinese water chestnuts), uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen
Mushrooms, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen
Tomatoes, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, if entered Mar. 1 thru July 14, incl. or Sept. 1 thru Nov. 14, incl.
Tomatoes, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, if entered July 15 through August 31, inclusive, in any year
Tomatoes, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, if entered Nov. 15 through the following February, incl.
Brussels sprouts, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, not reduced in size
Vegetables nesoi, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, not reduced in size
Okra, reduced in size, frozen
Vegetables nesoi, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, reduced in size
Mixtures of pea pods and water chestnuts (other than Chinese water chestnuts), uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen
Mixtures of vegetables not elsewhere specified or included, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen
Cucumbers including gherkins, provisionally preserved but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption
Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus, provisionally preserved but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption
Mushrooms, other than of the genus Agaricus, provisionally preserved but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption
Leguminous vegetables, provisionally preserved but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption
Onions, provisionally preserved but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption
Vegetables nesoi, and mixtures of vegetables, provisionally preserved but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption
Dried onion powder or flour
Dried onions whole, cut, sliced or broken, but not further prepared
Air dried or sun dried mushrooms of the genus Agaricus, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Dried (not air or sun dried) mushrooms of the genus Agaricus, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Dried wood ears (Auricularia spp.), whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Dried jelly fungi (Tremella spp), whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Air dried or sun dried mushrooms (other than of the genus Agaricus), whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Dried (not air or sun dried) mushrooms (other than of the genus Agaricus), whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Dried truffles, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Dried carrots, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Dried potatoes, whether or not cut or sliced but not further prepared
Dried garlic, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Dried fennel, marjoram, parsley, savory and tarragon, crude or not manufactured
Dried parsley nesoi, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Dried fennel, marjoram, savory and tarragon nesoi, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Tomatoes, dried in powder
Tomatoes, dried, whole, other
Dried vegetables nesoi, and mixtures of dried vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Seeds of peas of a kind used for sowing
Dried split peas, shelled
Dried peas, nesoi, shelled
Seeds of chickpeas (garbanzos) of a kind used for sowing
Dried chickpeas (garbanzos), shelled
Seeds of beans of a kind used for sowing
Dried beans, shelled, if entered May 1 through August 31, inclusive, in any year
Dried beans, shelled, if entered September 1 through the following April 30, or withdrawn for consumption at any time
Seeds of small red (adzuki) beans of a kind used for sowing
Dried small red (adzuki) beans, shelled
Seeds of kidney beans, including white pea beans of a kind used for sowing
Dried kidney beans, including white pea beans, shelled, if entered May 1 through August 31, inclusive, in any year
Dried kidney beans, including white pea beans, shelled, if entered Sept. 1 through April 30, or withdrawn for consumption at any time
Dried Bambara beans, shelled, if entered for consumption from May 1 through August 31, inclusive, in any year
Dried Bambara beans, shelled, if entered for consumption other than above period, or withdrawn for consumption
Seeds of beans nesoi, of a kind used for sowing
Dried beans nesoi, shelled, if entered for consumption from May 1 through August 31, inclusive, in any year
Dried beans nesoi, shelled, if entered for consumption September 1 through April 30, or withdrawn for consumption at any time
Lentil seeds of a kind used for sowing
Seeds of broad beans and horse beans of a kind used for sowing
Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled
Dried pigeon pea seeds, shelled, if entered for consumption during the period from May 1 through August 31, inclusive, in any year
Dried pigeon pea seeds, shelled, if entered Sept. 1 through the following April 30, or withdrawn for consumption at any time
Seeds of leguminous vegetables nesoi, of a kind used for sowing
Dried guar seeds, shelled
Dried leguminous vegetables nesoi, shelled, if entered for consumption during the period from May 1 through August 31, inclusive, in any year
Dried leguminous vegetales, nesoi, shelled, if entered Sept. 1 through the following April 30, or withdrawn for consumption at any time
Cassava (manioc), fresh, chilled or dried, whether or not sliced or in the form of pellets
Sweet potatoes, frozen, whether or not sliced or in the form of pellets
Sweet potatoes, fresh, chilled or dried, whether or not sliced or in the form of pellets
Fresh or chilled yams (Dioscorea spp.), whether or not sliced or in the form of pellets
Frozen yams (Dioscorea spp.)
Dried yams (Dioscorea spp.), whether or not sliced but not in pellets
Fresh or chilled taro (Colocasia spp.), whether or not sliced or in the form of pellets
Frozen taro (Colocasia spp.)
Dried taro (Colocasia spp.), in the form of pellets
Dried taro (Colocasia spp.), whether or not sliced but not in pellets
Fresh or chilled yautia (Xanthosoma spp.), whether or not sliced or in the form of pellets
Frozen yautia (Xanthosoma spp.)
Dried yautia (Xanthosoma spp.), in the form of pellets
Dried yautia (Xanthosoma spp.), whether or not sliced but not in pellets
Chinese water chestnuts, fresh or chilled
Fresh or chilled arrowroot/salep/Jerusalem artichokes/similar roots & tubers, nesoi
Mixtures of pea pods and Chineses water chestnuts, frozen
Other mixtures of Chinese water chestnuts, frozen
Chinese water chestnuts, not mixed, frozen
Frozen dasheens/arrowroot/salep/Jerusalem artichokes/similar roots & tubers, nesoi
Chinese water chestnuts, dried
Dried dasheens, arrowroot, salep, Jerusalem artichokes and similar roots and tubers nesoi, in the form of pellets
Dried dasheens, arrowroot, salep, Jerusalem artichokes, and similar roots and tubers nesoi, whether or not sliced but not in pellets
Coconuts, fresh, not in the inner shell (endocarp)
Cashew nuts, fresh or dried, in shell
Cashew nuts, fresh or dried, shelled
Almonds, fresh or dried, in shell
Almonds, fresh or dried, shelled
Hazelnuts or filberts, fresh or dried, shelled
Walnuts, fresh or dried, in shell
Walnuts, fresh or dried, shelled
Chestnuts, fresh or dried, in shell
Chestnuts, fresh or dried, shelled
Pistachios, fresh or dried, in shell
Pistachios, fresh or dried, shelled
Areca nuts, fresh or dried, shelled
Pecans, fresh or dried, in shell
Pecans, fresh or dried, shelled
Pignolias, fresh or dried, in shell
Pignolias, fresh or dried, shelled
Nuts,nesoi, fresh or dried, in shell
Nuts nesoi, fresh or dried, shelled
Dates, fresh or dried, whole, with or without pits, packed in units weighing (with immediate container, if any) not over 4.6 kg
Dates, fresh or dried, whole, with pits, packed in units weighing over 4.6 kg
Dates, fresh or dried, whole, without pits, packed in units weighing over 4.6 kg
Dates, fresh or dried, other than whole
Figs, fresh or dried, whole, in units weighing more than 0.5 kg each
Figs, fresh or dried, whole, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 0.5 kg or less
Figs, fresh or dried, other than whole (including fig paste)
Pineapples, fresh or dried, not reduced in size, in bulk
Pineapples, fresh or dried, not reduced in size, in crates or other packages
Pineapples, fresh or dried, reduced in size
Guavas, mangoes, and mangosteens, fresh, if entered during the period September 1 through May 31, inclusive
Guavas, mangoes, and mangosteens, fresh, if entered during the period June 1 through August 31, inclusive
Guavas, mangoes, and mangosteens, dried
Mandarins and other similar citrus hybrids including tangerines, satsumas, clementines, wilkings, fresh or dried
Clementines, fresh or dried, other
Wilkings and similar citrus hybrids, fresh or dried, other
Raisins, made from dried seedless grapes
Raisins, made from other than seedless grapes
Grapes, dried, other than raisins
Pears, fresh, if entered during the period from April 1 through June 30, inclusive
Pears, fresh, if entered during the period from July 1 through the following March 31, inclusive
Quinces, fresh, if entered during the period from April 1 through June 30, inclusive
Quinces, fresh, if entered during the period from July 1 through the following March 31, inclusive
Peaches, including nectarines, fresh, if entered during the period from June 1 through November 30, inclusive
Peaches, including nectarines, fresh, if entered during the period from December 1 through the following May 31, inclusive
Strawberries, fresh, if entered during the period from June 15 through September 15, inclusive
Strawberries, fresh, if entered during the period from September 16 through the following June 14, inclusive
Raspberries and loganberries, fresh, if entered during the period from September 1 through the following June 30, inclusive
Black, white or red currants and gooseberries (other than kiwifruit), fresh
Cranberries, blueberries and other fruits of the genus Vaccinium, fresh
Other berries and tamarinds, fresh
Fruit, not elsewhere specified or included, fresh
Strawberries, frozen, in water or containing added sweetening
Raspberries, loganberries, black currants and gooseberries, frozen, in water or containing added sweetening
Blackberries, mulberries and white or red currants, frozen, in water or containing added sweetening
Bananas and plantains, frozen, in water or containing added sweetening
Blueberries, frozen, in water or containing added sweetening
Boysenberries, frozen, in water or containing added sweetening
Cashew apples, mameyes colorados, sapodillas, soursops and sweetsops, frozen, in water or containing added sweetening
Coconut meat, frozen, in water or containing added sweetening
Cranberries, frozen, in water or containing added sweetening
Papayas, frozen, in water or containing added sweetening
Pineapples, frozen, in water or containing added sweetening
Mangoes, frozen, whether or not previously steamed or boiled
Melons, frozen, in water or containing added sweetening
Fruit, nesoi, frozen, whether or not previously steamed or boiled
Mixtures of two or more fruits, provisionally preserved, but unsuitable in that state for consumption
Citrus fruit, provisionally preserved, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption
Figs, provisionally preserved, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption
Pineapples, provisionally preserved, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption
Strawberries, provisionally preserved, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption
Fruit and nuts nesoi, including mixtures containing nuts, provisionally preserved, but not for immediate consumption
Prunes and plums, soaked in brine and dried
Prunes and plums, dried, (except if presoaked in brine)
Berries except barberries, dried
Fruit nesoi, dried, other than that of headings 0801 to 0806, and excluding mixtures
Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits of Chapter 8
Peel of orange or citron, fresh, frozen, dried or provisionally preserved in brine, in sulfur water or other preservative solutions
Lime peel, fresh, frozen or in brine
Peel of citrus fruit, excl. orange or citron and peel, nesoi, of melon, fresh, frozen, dried or provisionally preserved
Wheat & meslin other than durum or seed wheat
Barley, other than seed, for malting purposes
Barley, not seed, other than for malting purposes
Corn (maize), other than seed and yellow dent corn
Husked (brown) rice, other than Basmati
Rice semi-milled or wholly milled, whether or not polished or glazed, parboiled
Rice semi-milled or wholly milled, whether or not polished or glazed, other than parboiled
Grain sorghum, other than seed
Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa)
Cereals nesoi (including wild rice)
Cereal flours nesoi, mixed together
Cereal flours, other than of wheat or meslin, rye, corn, rice or buckwheat
Groats and meal of corn (maize)
Groats and meal of cereals other than wheat, oats, corn (maize) or rice
Rolled or flaked grains of oats
Rolled or flaked grains of barley
Rolled or flaked grains of cereals, other than of barley or oats
Grains of oats, hulled, pearled, clipped, sliced, kibbled or otherwise worked, but not rolled or flaked
Grains of corn (maize), hulled, pearled, clipped, sliced, kibbled or otherwise worked, but not rolled or flaked
Grains of barley, hulled, pearled, clipped, sliced, kibbled or otherwise worked, but not rolled or flaked
Grains of cereals other than barley, oats or corn, hulled, pearled, clipped, sliced, kibbled or otherwise worked, but not rolled or flaked
Germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground
Flour, meal and powder of potatoes
Flakes, granules and pellets, of potatoes
Flour, meal and powder of the dried leguminous vegetables of heading 0713
Flour, meal and powder of Chinese water chestnuts
Flour, meal and powder of sago, or of roots or tubers of heading 0714 (excluding Chinese water chestnuts)
Flour, meal and powder of banana and plantain
Fruit and nut flour, meal and powder of the products of chapter 8, other than of banana and plantain
Starches other than wheat, corn (maize), potato or cassava (manioc) starches
Wheat gluten, whether or not dried, to be used as animal feed
Wheat gluten, whether or not dried, to be used for other than animal feed
Soybeans, whether or not broken, seed
Soybeans, whether or not broken, other than seed
Peanuts (ground-nuts), seed, not roasted or cooked, shelled, subject to add. US note 2 to Ch.12
Flaxseed (linseed), whether or not broken
Low erucic acid rape or colza seeds, whether or not broken
Rape or colza seeds (other than of low erucic acid), whether or not broken
Sunflower seeds, whether or not broken
Sesame seeds, whether or not broken
Mustard seeds, whether or not broken
Safflower (Carthamus tintorius) seeds
Poppy seeds, whether or not broken
Other oil seeds and oleaginous fruits whether or not broken, incl niger seeds, hemp seeds and seeds nesoi
Flours and meals of soybeans
Flours and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits other than those of mustard or soybeans
Sugar beet seeds of a kind used for sowing
Alfalfa (lucerne) seed of a kind used for sowing
Rye grass seeds of a kind used for sowing
Beet seed, other than sugar beet seed, of a kind used for sowing
Seeds of forage plants of a kind used for sowing, not elsewhere specified or included
Seeds of herbaceous plants cultivated principally for their flowers
Cauliflower seeds of a kind used for sowing
Celery seeds of a kind used for sowing
Onion seeds of a kind used for sowing
Parsley seeds of a kind used for sowing
Pepper seeds of a kind used for sowing
Vegetable seeds, nesoi, of a kind used for sowing
Tree and shrub seeds of a kind used for sowing
Seeds, fruits and spores, of a kind used for sowing, nesoi
Hop cones, fresh or dried, neither ground, powdered nor in the form of pellets
Ginseng roots, fresh or dried, whether or not cut, crushed or powdered
Ginseng roots, frozen or chilled
Coca leaf, of a kind used in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes
Poppy straw, of a kind used in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes
Mint leaves, crude or not manufactured, of a kind used in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes
Mint leaves nesoi, of a kind used in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes
Plants, parts of plants (including seeds and fruits), used in perfumery, pharmacy, insecticidal, fungicidal or similar puproses, other, fresh or dried
Plants, parts of plants (including seeds and fruits), used in perfumery, pharmacy, insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, chilled or frozen
Seaweeds and other algae, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not ground, fit for human consumption
Seaweeds and other algae, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not ground, other than for human consumption
Nectarine stones and kernels of a kind used primarily for human consumption, not elsewhere specified or included
Apricot, peach (other than nectarine) or plum stones and kernels used primarily for human consumption, not elsewhere specified or included
Fruit stone & kernel (not apricot/peach/plum) & other vegetable products used primary human consumption, nesoi
Cereal straw and husks, unprepared, whether or not chopped, ground, pressed or in the form of pellets
Alfalfa (lucerne) meal and pellets
Rutabagas, mangolds, fodder roots, hay, clover, sainfoin, kale, lupines, vetches & forage products nesoi
Bamboos, of a kind used primarily for plaiting
Rattans, in the rough or cut transversely into sections, of a kind used primarily for plaiting
Rattans, other than those in the rough or cut transversely into sections, of a kind used primarily for plaiting
Willow (osier), of a kind used primarily for plaiting
Lime bark, raffia, reeds, rushes, cleaned, bleached or dyed cereal straw, other vegetable materials nesoi, used primarily for plaiting
Vegetable hair not elsewere specified or included
Istle of a kind used primarily in brooms or brushes
Piassava, couch-grass and other vegetable materials nesoi, of a kind used primarily in brooms or brushes
Other vegetable materials nesoi
Cod-liver oil and its fractions
Fish-liver oils and their fractions, other than cod-liver oil and its fractions
Cod oil and its fractions, other than liver oil
Herring oil and its fractions, other than liver oil
Fats and oils and their fractions, of fish other than cod and herring, excluding liver oil
Fatty substances derived from wool grease (including lanolin)
Animal fats and oils and their fractions nesoi, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved meat or meat offal of chickens, nesoi
Extracts and juices of meat, fish, crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates, other than clam juice
Prepared or preserved salmon, whole or in pieces, but not minced, in oil, in airtight containers
Prepared or preserved salmon, whole or in pieces, but not minced, other than in oil and in airtight containers
Prepared or preserved herrings, whole or in pieces, but not minced, in oil, in airtight containers
Herrings, whole or in pieces, but not minced, in tomato sauce, smoked or kippered, in immediate containers over 0.45 kg each
Herrings prepared or preserved, whole or in pieces, but not minced, nesoi
Smoked sardines, in oil, not skinned nor boned, $1/kg or more in tin-plate containers, or $1.10/kg or more in other airtight containers
Sardines, not smoked, sardinella, brisling or sprats, neither skinned nor boned, in oil, in airtight containers
Sardines, sardinella, brisling or sprats, skinned or boned, in oil, in airtight containers
Sardines, sardinella, brisling, sprats in containers with their contents under 225 g each, except those in oil and in airtight containers
Sardines, sardinella and brisling or sprats (not in oil and airtight cont.), prepared or preserved, not minced, cont. 225 g or more
Tunas and skipjack, whole or in pieces, but not minced, in oil, in airtight containers
Tunas and skipjack, not in oil, in airtight cont., n/o 7 kg, not of U.S. possessions, product within quota
Tunas and skipjack, not in oil, in airtight containers, n/o 7 kg, not of U.S. possessions, over quota
Tunas and skipjack, not in airtight containers, not in oil, in bulk or in immediate containers weighing with contents over 6.8 kg each
Tunas and skipjack, not in airtight containers, not in bulk or in immediate containers weighing with contents over 6.8 kg each
Bonito (Sarda spp.), in oil
Bonito (Sarda spp.), not in oil
Prepared or preserved mackerel, whole or in pieces, but not minced
Anchovies, whole or in pieces but not minced, in oil, in airtight containers
Prepared or preserved anchovies, whole or in pieces, not minced, not in oil, in immediate containers with their contents 6.8 kg or less ea.
Prepared or preserved anchovies, whole or in pieces, but not minced, not in oil, nesoi
Prepared or preserved eels, whole or in pieces, but not minced, in airtight containers, not in oil
Eel portions similar to fish sticks and like products of any size or shape, breaded, coated with batter, not cooked nor in oil
Eel similar to fish sticks and like products of any size or shape, if breaded, coated with batter, cooked or in oil
Prepared or preserved eel, in oil and in bulk or in immediate containers weighing over 7 kg each
Prepared or preserved eel, whole or in pieces, but not minced, nesoi
Shark fins, not in oil, in airtight containters
Shark fins, not in airtight containers
Bonito, yellowtail and pollock, whole or in pieces, but not minced, in airtight containers, not in oil
Other fish, excluding bonito, yellowtail and pollock, in airtight containers, not in oil
Bonito, yellowtail and pollock, whole or in pieces, but not minced, in airtight containers, in oil
Other fish, excluding bonito, yellowtail and pollock, in airtight containers, in oil
Fish sticks and like products of any size or shape, fillets or other portions of fish, breaded, coated with batter, not cooked nor in oil
Fish sticks and like products of any size or shape, fillets or other portions of fish, if breaded, coated with batter, cooked or in oil
Prepared or preserved fish nesoi, in oil and in bulk or in immediate containers weighing over 7 kg each
Fish, whole or in pieces, but not minced, prepared or preserved, nesoi
Products containing meat of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates, prepared meals
Fish balls, cakes and puddings, in oil
Fish balls, cakes and puddings, not in oil, in immediate airtight containers, weighing with their contents not over 6.8 kg each
Fish balls, cakes and puddings, not in oil, and in immediate nonairtight containers weighing with their contents not over 6.8 kg each
Fish balls, cakes and puddings, not in oil, not in immediate containers, weighing with their contents not over 6.8 kg each
Fish sticks and similar products of any size or shape, if breaded, coated with batter or similarly prepared, not cooked nor in oil
Fish sticks and similar products of any size or shape, if breaded, coated with batter or similarly prepared, cooked or in oil
Prepared or preserved fish, other than whole or in pieces, nesoi
Caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs, boiled and in airtight containers
Caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs, nesoi
Crab products containing fish meat; prepared meals of crab
Crabmeat, prepared or preserved, in airtight containers
Crabmeat, prepared or preserved, other than in airtight containers
Crabs, other than crabmeat, prepared or preserved
Shrimp & prawns not in airtight containers: fish meat and prepared meals
Shrimp & prawns not in airtight containers: other than fish meat and prepared meals
Shrimp & prawns in airtight containers: fish meat and prepared meals
Shrimp & prawns in airtight containers: other than fish meat and prepared meals
Lobster products containing fish meat; prepared meals of lobster
Lobster, prepared or preserved, not containing fish meat, nesoi
Crustacean products nesoi, containing fish meat; prepared meals of crustaceans, nesoi
Crustaceans nesoi, prepared or preserved, not containing fish meat, nesoi
Oysters, fish meat or prepared meals
Oysters, prepared or preserved, but not smoked
Scallops, including queen scallops as containing fish meat; prepared meals
Scallops, including queen scallops, prepared or preserved
Mussels, containing fish meats or in prepared meals
Mussels, prepared or preserved
Cuttle fish and squid, as containing fish meat; prepared meals
Cuttle fish and squid, prepared or preserved
Octopus, as containing fish meat or prepared meals
Octopus, prepared or preserved
Products of clams, cockles, and arkshells containing fish meat; prepared meals
Razor clams, in airtight containers, prepared or preserved, nesoi
Boiled clams in immediate airtight containers, the contents of which do not exceed 680 g gross weight
Clams, prepared or preserved, excluding boiled clams, in immediate airtight containers, nesoi
Clams, prepared or preserved, other than in airtight containers
Cockles and arkshells, prepared or preserved
Products of abalone containing fish meat; prepared meals of abalone
Abalone, prepared or preserved
Products of snails, other than sea snails, containing fish meat; prepared meals of snails other than sea snails
Prepared or preserved snails, other than sea snails
Products of molluscs nesoi containing fish meat; prepared meals of molluscs nesoi
Molluscs nesoi, prepared or preserved
Sea cucumbers, prepared or preserved
Sea urchins, prepared or preserved
Jelly fish, prepared or preserved
Other aquatic invertebrates, nesoi, prepared or preserved
Cane/beet sugar & pure sucrose, refined, solid, w/o added coloring or flavoring, subject to add. US 5 to Ch.17
Cane/beet sugar & pure sucrose, refined, solid, w/o added coloring or flavoring, not subject to gen. note 15 or add. US 5 to Ch.17
Sugars and sugar syrups, and articles containing sugar, nesoi
Sugar confections or sweetmeats ready for consumption, not containing cocoa, other than candied nuts or cough drops
Sugar confectionery, w/o cocoa, nesoi
Flour-, meal-, starch-, malt extract- or dairy-based food preps not containing cocoa and not containing specific amounts of dairy, nesoi
Uncooked pasta, not stuffed or otherwise prepared, not containing eggs, exclusively pasta
Uncooked pasta, not stuffed or otherwise prepared, not containing eggs, nesoi, including pasta packaged with sauce preparations
Stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared
Bread, pastry, cake, biscuit and similar baked products nesoi, and puddings whether or not containing chocolate, fruit, nuts or confectionery
Cucumbers including gherkins, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid
Capers, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid, nesoi
Artichokes, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid
Beans, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid
Onions, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid
Pimientos, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid
Vegetables (including olives) nesoi, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid
Chestnuts, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid
Chinese water chestnuts, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid
Walnuts, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid
Fruits, nuts, and other edible parts of plants, nesoi, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid
Tomatoes, whole or in pieces, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid
Tomato prep/pres ex by vinegar/acetic acid, powder
Tomatoes prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, nesoi
Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid
Mushrooms other than of the genus Agaricus or truffles, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid
Potatoes (not Solano), prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, frozen
Beans, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, frozen
Vegetables and mixtures of vegetables, nesoi, prepared or preserved other than by vinegar or acetic acid, frozen, not preserved by sugar
Potato preparations, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen
Peas, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen
Black-eye cowpeas, shelled, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen
Beans other than black-eye cowpeas, shelled, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen
Beans, not shelled, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen
Asparagus, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen
Olives, green, in a saline solution, pitted or stuffed, not place packed
Olives (not green), in a saline solution, canned, pitted
Olives (not green), in a saline solution, in airtight containers of glass or metal but not canned
Olives (not green), in a saline solution, not canned, nesoi
Olives, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar, acetic acid or saline soln, not frozen, nesoi
Sweet corn, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar, acetic acid or sugar, not frozen
Bamboo shoots in airtight containers, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, not preserved by sugar
Bamboo shoots, not in airtight containers, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, not preserved by sugar
Carrots in airtight containers, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar, acetic acid or sugar, not frozen
Onions, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen
Sauerkraut, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen
Whole or Sliced water chestnuts, other than Chinese water chestnuts, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid or sugar
Pimientos, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen
Fruits of the genus Capsicum or Pimenta, not pimientos, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen
Artichokes, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen
Chickpeas (garbanzos), prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen
Vegetables nesoi,& mixtures of vegetables,prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, not preserved by sugar
Cherries, preserved by sugar (drained, glace or crystallized)
Ginger root, preserved by sugar (drained, glace or crystallized)
Pineapples, preserved by sugar (drained, glace or crystallized)
Mixtures of vegetables, fruit, nuts, fruit-peel or other parts of plants, preserved by sugar (drained, glace or crystallized)
Citrus fruit or peel of citrus or other fruit, except mixtures, preserved by sugar (drained, glace or crystallized)
Fruit nesoi, and nuts, except mixtures, preserved by sugar (drained, glace or crystallized)
Vegetables and parts of plants, nesoi, preserved by sugar (drained, glace or crystallized), except mixtures,
Homogenized cooked preparations of fruit put up for retail sale as infant food or for dietetic purposes, in cont. not over 250 grams, net
Citrus fruit pastes and purees, being cooked preparations
Lingonberry and raspberry jams
Currant and other berry jams, nesoi
Apple, quince and pear pastes and purees, being cooked preparations
Guava and mango pastes and purees, being cooked preparations
Strawberry pastes and purees, being cooked preparations
Fruit pastes and purees, nesoi, and nut pastes and purees, being cooked preparations
Currant and berry fruit jellies
Fruit jellies, other than currant and berry
Peanut butter and paste, subject to gen. note 15 of the HTS
Peanut butter and paste, subject to add. US note 5 to Ch. 20, not GN15
Peanut butter and paste, nesoi, not subject to gen note 15 or add US note 5 to Ch. 20
Blanched peanuts, subject to gen. note 15 of the HTS
Blanched peanuts, subject to add. US note 2 to Ch. 12, not GN15
Peanuts, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi, subject to gen. note 15 of the HTS
Peanuts, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi, subject to add. US note 2 to chap. 12, not GN15
Brazil nuts and cashew nuts, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Coconuts, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Filberts, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Pecans, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Pignolia and pistachio nuts, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Almonds, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Watermelon seeds, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Mixtures of nuts or other seeds otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Other nuts and seeds nesoi, excluding mixtures, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Pineapples, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Peel of oranges, mandarins, clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Peel of lemons, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Peel of citrus fruit, nesoi, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Oranges (other than peel or pulp), otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Satsumas, prepared or preserved, in airtight containers, aggregate quantity n/o 40,000 metric tons/calandar yr
Satsumas, prepared or preserved, in airtight containers, aggregate quantity o/40,000 metric tons/calandar yr
Mandarins (other than satsuma), prepared or preserved, nesoi
Clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids (other than peel or pulp), otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Grapefruit (other than peel or pulp), otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Kumquats (other than peel or pulp), otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Citrus fruit nesoi (including bergamots), other than peel or pulp, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Pears, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Apricot pulp, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Apricots, other than pulp, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Cherries, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Nectarines, otherwise prepared or preserved, not elsewhere specified or included
Peaches (excluding nectarines), otherwise prepared or preserved, not elsewhere specified or included
Strawberries, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Mixtures of fruit or edible parts of plants, in airtight cont. excl. apricots, citrus, peaches or pears (incl. canned tropical fruit salad)
Mixtures of fruit or other edible parts of plants, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi (excluding tropical fruit salad)
Apples, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Bananas, other than pulp, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Blueberries, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi.
Berries, other than cranberries, blueberries and strawberries, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Cashew apples, mameyes colorados, sapodillas, soursops and sweetsops, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Dates, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Figs, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Grapes, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Guavas, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Lychees and longans, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Mangoes, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Papayas, other than pulp, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Plums (including prune plums and sloes), otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Soybeans, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Sweet ginger, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Chinese water chestnuts, otherwise prepared or preserved, frozen, not elsewhere specified or included
Chinese water chestnuts, otherwise prepared or preserved, not frozen, not elsewhere specified or included
Pulp of fruit nesoi, and other edible parts of plants nesoi, excluding mixtures, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Bean cake, bean stick, miso, other fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plans, prepared or preserved
Orange juice, frozen, unfermented and not containing added spirit
Grapefruit juice, of a Brix value exceeding 20, unfermented
Lime juice, of a Brix value not exceeding 20, fit for beverage purposes, unfermented
Citrus juice of any single citrus fruit (other than orange, grapefruit or lime), Brix value not exceeding 20, not concentrated, unfermented
Citrus juice of any single citrus fruit (other than orange, grapefruit or lime), of a Brix value not exceeding 20, concentrated, unfermented
Citrus juice of any single citrus fruit (other than orange, grapefruit or lime), of a Brix value exceeding 20, unfermented
Pineapple juice, of a Brix value not exceeding 20, concentrated (in degree of concentration greater than 3.5), unfermented
Pineapple juice, of a Brix value exceeding 20, concentrated (in degree of concentration greater than 3.5)
Tomato juice, concentrated or not concentrated
Grape juice (including grape must), of a Brix value exceeding 30, unfermented
Apple juice, of a Brix value not exceeding 20, unfermented
Apple juice, of a Brix value exceeding 20, unfermented
Pear juice, concentrated or not concentrated
Juice of any other single fruit, nesoi, (including cherries and berries), concentrated or not concentrated
Juice of any single vegetable, other than tomato, concentrated or not concentrated
Mixtures of fruit juices, or mixtures of vegetable and fruit juices, concentrated or not concentrated
Mixed condiments and mixed seasonings, not described in add US note 3 to Ch. 21
Protein concentrates and textured protein substances
Mineral waters and aerated waters, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter nor flavored
Waters (incl. ice, snow and steam), ot/than mineral waters or aerated waters, not cont. added sugar or other sweetening matter nor flavored
Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavored
Orange juice, fortified with vitamins or minerals not made from a juice having a degree of concentration of >=1.5
Orange juice fortified with vitamins or minerals, nesoi
Juice of any single fruit or vegetable (except orange juice) fortified with vitamins or minerals, in nonconcentrated form
Fruit or vegetable juices, fortified with vitamins or minerals, mixtures of juices in non- concentrated form
Nonalcoholic beverages, nesoi, excluding fruit or vegetable juices of heading 2009
Sparkling wine, made from grapes
Effervescent grape wine, in containers holding 2 liters or less
Tokay wine (not carbonated) not over 14% alcohol, in containers not over 2 liters
Wine other than Tokay (not carbonated), not over 14% alcohol, in containers not over 2 liters
wine, over 14% vol. alcohol, in containers holding 2 liters or less
Grape wine, other than “Marsala”, not sparkling or effervescent, over 14% vol. alcohol, in containers holding 2 liters or less
Fermented beverages (other than grape wine, beer, cider, prune wine, sake, vermouth, or other effervescent wines)
Undenatured ethyl alcohol of 80 percent vol. alcohol or higher, for beverage purposes
Undenatured ethyl alcohol of 80 percent vol. alcohol or higher, for nonbeverage purposes
Vinegar and substitutes for vinegar obtained from acetic acid
Flours, meals, and pellets, of meat or meat offal unfit for human consumption; greaves (cracklings)
Flours, meals, and pellets, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates, unfit for human consumption
Bran, sharps (middlings) and other residues, derived from the sifting, milling or other working of wheat
Bran, sharps (middlings) and other residues, derived from the sifting, milling or other working of cereals, excluding corn, rice and wheat
Bran, sharps (middlings) and other residues, derived from the sifting, milling or other working of leguminous plants
Residues of starch manufacture and similar residues
Beet-pulp, bagasse and other waste of sugar manufacture
Brewing or distilling dregs and waste
Oilcake and other solid residues, resulting from the extraction of soybean oil
Oilcake and other solid residues, resulting from the extraction of peanut (ground-nut) oil
Oilcake and other solid residues, resulting from the extraction of vegetable fats or oils, of linseed
Oilcake and other solid residues, resulting from the extraction of vegetable fats or oils, of sunflower seeds
Oilcake and other solid residues, resulting from the extraction of vegetable fats or oils, of low erucic acid rape or colza seeds
Oilcake and other solid residues, resulting from the extraction of vegetable fats/oils, of rape or colza seeds (other than low erucic acid)
Oilcake and other solid residues, resulting from the extraction of vegetable fats or oils, nesoi
Dehydrated marigolds, of a kind used in animal feeding, not elsewhere specified or included
Vegetable materials and vegetable waste, vegetable residues and byproducts, of a kind used in animal feeding, nesoi
Dog or cat food, put up for retail sale
Mixed feed or mixed feed ingredients used in animal feeding
Other preps nes with a basis of vitamin B12, for supplementing animal in animal feeding, not cont milk or egg prods
Other preps nes of a kind used in animal feeding, not cont milk or egg prods
Tobacco, not stemmed or stripped, not or not over 35% wrapper tobacco, oriental or turkish type, cigarette leaf
Leaf tobacco, the product of two or more countries or dependencies, when mixed or packed together, partly or wholly stemmed, not threshed
Wrapper tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed (stripped), not threshed or similarly processed
Tobacco containing over 35% wrapper tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed (stripped), not threshed or similarly processed
Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped, n/threshed or similarly processed, not or n/over 35% wrapper, oriental or turkish, cigarette lea
Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped, n/threshed or similarly processed, not or n/over 35% wrapper, not cigarette leaf
Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped, n/threshed or similarly processed, not or n/over 35% wrapper, cigar binder and filler
Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped, n/threshed or similarly proc., not or n/over 35% wrapper, flue-cured burley etc, not for cigaret
Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped, n/threshed or similarly proc., not or n/over 35% wrapper, des. in addl US note 5 to ch. 24
Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped, n/threshed or similarly proc., not or n/over 35% wrapper, flue-cured burley etc, other nesoi
Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped, n/threshed or similarly proc., not or n/over 35% wrapper, not flue-cured burley etc., other nesoi
Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed (stripped), threshed or similarly processed, from cigar leaf
Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped, threshed or similarly processed, not from cigar leaf , oriental or turkish
Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped, threshed or similarly processed, not from cigar leaf , not oriental or turkish, not for cigarett
Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped, threshed or similarly processed, not from cigar leaf , described in addl US note 5 to chap 24
Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped, threshed or similarly processed, not from cigar leaf , not oriental or turkish, other nesoi
Tobacco refuse, tobacco stems, not cut, ground or pulverized
Tobacco refuse, from cigar leaf, tobacco stems, cut, ground or pulverized
Tobacco refuse, from cigar leaf, other than tobacco stems
Tobacco refuse, from oriental or turkish type, tobacco stems, not cut, ground or pulverized
Tobacco refuse, from oriental or turkish type, tobacco stems, cut, ground or pulverized
Tobacco refuse, from oriental or turkish type, other than tobacco stems
Tobacco refuse, from other tobacco, other than for cigarettes, tobacco stems, not cut, ground or pulverized
Tobacco refuse, from other tobacco, other than for cigarettes, tobacco stems, cut, ground or pulverized
Tobacco refuse, from other tobacco, other than for cigarettes,tother than tobacco stems
Tobacco refuse, from other tobacco, for cigarettes, described in addl US note 5 to chap 24, tobacco stems, not cut, ground or pulverized
Tobacco refuse, from other tobacco, for cigarettes, described in addl US note 5 to chap 24, tobacco stems, cut, ground or pulverized
Tobacco refuse, from other tobacco, for cigarettes, described in addl US note 5 to chap 24, not tobacco stems
Tobacco refuse, from other tobacco, for cigarettes, other nesoi
Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos containing tobacco, each valued less than 15 cents
Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos containing tobacco, each valued 15 cents or over but less than 23 cents
Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos containing tobacco, each valued 23 cents or over
Cigarettes containing tobacco and clove
Cigarettes containing tobacco but not containing clove, paper-wrapped
Cigarettes containing tobacco, nesoi
Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos and cigarettes of tobacco substitutes
Water pipe tobacco, whether or not containing tobacco substitutes
Smoking tobacco, whether or not containing tobacco substitutes, prepared for marketing directly to consumer as packaged
Smoking tobacco, other than for water pipes, whether or not containing tobacco subst, other, to be used in products other than cigarettes
Smoking tobacco, not water pipe, whether or not containing substitutes, other, to be used in cigarettes, in addl US note 5 to chapter
Smoking tobacco, not water pipe, whether or not containing substitutes, other, to be used in cigarettes, other nesoi
“Homogenized” or “reconstituted” tobacco, not suitable for use as wrapper tobacco, to be used in products other than cigarettes
Other manufactured tobacco, tobacco substitutes, tobacco extracts or essences, prepared for marketing directly to consumer as packaged
Other manufactured tobacco, tobacco substitutes, tobacco extracts or essences, other, to be used in products other than cigarettes
Other manufactured tobacco, tobacco substitutes, tobacco extracts or essences, to be used in cigarettes, described in addl US note 5 to chap
Other manufactured tobacco, tobacco substitutes, tobacco extracts or essences, other, to be used in cigarettes, other nesoi
Salt & pure sodium chloride, whether or not in aqueous solution or cont. added anticaking or free-flowing agents; sea water
Sulfur of all kinds, other than sublimed, precipitated and colloidal sulfur
Natural graphite, crystalline flake (not including flake dust)
Natural graphite in powder or flakes (other than crystalline flake)
Natural graphite, other than in powder or in flakes
Natural silica and quartz sands, containing by weight 95% or more of silica and not more than 0.6% of oxide of iron
Natural silica and quartz sands, nesoi
Natural sands, other than silica or quartz sands and other than metal-bearing sands of chapter 26
Quartz (other than natural sands)
Kaolin and other kaolinic clays, whether or not calcined
Bentonite clay, whether or not calcined
Fire-clay, whether or not calcined
Clays, (not including expanded clays of heading 6806), nesoi, whether or not calcined
Andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite, whether or not calcined
Natural calcium phosphates, natural aluminum calcium phosphates and phosphatic chalk, unground
Natural calcium phosphates, natural aluminum calcium phosphates and phosphatic chalk, ground
Natural barium sulfate (barytes), ground
Natural barium sulfate (barytes), not ground
Natural barium carbonate (witherite), whether or not calcined
Siliceous fossil meals and similar siliceous earths, whether or not calcined, of an apparent specific gravity of 1 or less
Emery; natural corundum, nat. garnet and other nat. abrasives, whether or not heat- treated, all the foregoing crude or in irregular pieces
Emery; natural corundum, nat. garnet and other nat. abrasives, whether or not heat- treated, all the foregoin not crude or irregular pieces
Slate, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape
Marble and travertine, crude or roughly trimmed
Marble, merely cut into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape
Travertine, merely cut into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape
Calcareous monument.or build.stone (o/than marble/traver.) of spec. gravity >=2.5 & alabaster, crude, rough, trimmed or cut blocks or slabs
Granite, crude or roughly trimmed
Granite, merely cut into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape
Sandstone, crude or roughly trimmed
Sandstone, merely cut into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape
Porphyry, basalt and other monument. or build. stone (except granite/sandstone), crude or roughly trimmed or cut into rect. blocks/slabs
Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stones, for concrete aggregates, road metalling, ballast, shingle or flint, whether o/not heat-treated
Macadam of slag, dross or similar industrial waste, whether or not incorporating pebbles, gravel, etc.
Granules, chippings and powder of marble, whether or not heat-treated
Granules, chippings and powder, of travertine/calcareous monument. or build.stone (except marble)/granite/porphyry/basalt/sandstone etc.
Dolomite, not calcined, whether or not or roughly trimmed or merely cut into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape
Dolomite, calcined, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape
Agglomerated dolomite (including tarred dolomite)
Natural magnesoium carbonate (magnesoite)
Fused magnesoia; dead-burned (sintered) magnesoia, whether or not cont. small quant. of other oxides added before sintering
Caustic calcined magnesoite
Magnesoium oxide, nesoi, whether or not pure
Plasters (of calcined gypsum or calcium sulfate), whether or not colored, with or without small quantities of accelerators or retarders
Limestone flux; limestone and other calcareous stone, of a kind used for the manufacture of lime or cement
Quicklime (other than calcium oxide and hydroxide of heading 2825)
Slaked lime (other than calcium oxide and hydroxide of heading 2825)
Hydraulic lime (other than calcium oxide and hydroxide of heading 2825)
Clinkers of portland, aluminous, slag, supersulfate and similar hydraulic cements
Portland cement (white cement), whether or not artificially colored
Portland cement (other than white cement), whether or not colored
Aluminous cement, whether or not colored
Slag cement, supersulfate cement and other hydraulic cements, nesoi, whether or not colored
Asbestos other than crocidolite
Mica, crude or rifted into sheets or splittings
Steatite, natural n/crushed or powdered, whether or not roughly trimmed or cut into rect. blocks or slabs; talc n/crushed or powdered
Steatite, natural; talc; the foregoing crushed or powdered
Borates, natural and conc., but n/incl. borates from nat. brine; nat. boric acid w/not over 85% H3B03 by dry weight
Fluorspar, containing by weight 97 percent or less of calcium fluoride
Fluorspar, containing by weight more than 97 percent of calcium fluoride
Leucite; nepheline and nepheline syenite
Vermiculite, perlite and chlorites, unexpanded
Epsom salts (natural magnesoium sulfates)
Natural cryolite; natural chiolite
Natural micaceous iron oxides
Other mineral substances, not elsewhere specified or included
Iron ores and concentrates (other than roasted iron pyrites), not agglomerated
Iron ores and concentrates (other than roasted iron pyrites), agglomerated
Manganese ores and concentrates including ferruginous manganese ores & concentrates with manganese content over 20% calculated on dry weight
Copper ores and concentrates
Nickel ores and concentrates
Cobalt ores and concentrates
Aluminum ores and concentrates
Lead ores and concentrates
Zinc ores and concentrates
Tin ores and concentrates
Chromium ores and concentrates
Uranium ores and concentrates
Thorium ores and concentrates
Molybdenum ores and concentrates, roasted
Molybdenum ores and concentrates, not roasted
Titanium ores and concentrates, other than synthetic rutile
Zirconium ores and concentrates
Synthetic tantalum-niobium concentrates
Niobium, tantalum or vanadium ores and concentrates, nesoi
Silver ores and concentrates
Precious metal (other than silver) ores and concentrates
Antimony ores and concentrates
Metal ores and concentrates, nesoi
Granulated slag (slag sand) from the manufacture of iron or steel
Slag, dross and other waste (except ferrous scale) from the manufacture of iron or steel
Zinc dross and skimmings (not from from the mfr. of iron or steel)
Ash and residues (not from the mfr. of iron or steel), containing mainly zinc, other than hard zinc spelter/zinc dross & skimmings
Leaded gasoline sludges and leaded anti-knock compound sludges, containing mainly lead
Ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing mainly lead, nesoi
Ash and residues (not from the mfr. of iron or steel), containing mainly copper
Ash and residues (not from the mfr. of iron or steel), containing mainly aluminum
Ash/residues contain arsenic, mercury, thallium or their mixtures, kind used only for extraction of arsenic or manufacture of its compounds
Ash/residue contain arsenic,mercury,thallium/their mixtures,kind used only for extraction of those metals or manufacture of their compounds
Ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing antimony, beryllium, cadmium, chromium or their mixtures
Ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing mainly vanadium
Ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing mainly tungsten
Materials (ash and residues) not provided for elsewhere in heading 2620 containing by weight over 10 percent nickel
Slag (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel) contains over 40% titanium & if has over 2% Cu/Pb/Zn is not for recovery thereof
Residues (not from mfr. of iron or steel) cont. metals/metal compounds nesoi, and n/adv. in value or cond. & if > 2% Cu/Pb/Zn n/for recovery
Other ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing metals or metal compounds, nesoi
Other slag and ash, including seaweed ash (kelp), not elsewhere specified or included
Coal, anthracite, whether or not pulverized, but not agglomerated
Coal, bituminous, whether or not pulverized, but not agglomerated
Coal, other than anthracite or bituminous, whether or not pulverized, but not agglomerated
Coal, briquettes, ovoids and similar solid fuels manufactured from coal
Lignite (excluding jet), whether or not pulverized, but not agglomerated
Lignite (excluding jet), agglomerated
Peat (including peat litter), whether or not agglomerated
Coke and semicoke of coal, lignite or peat, whether or not agglomerated; retort carbon
Coal gas, water gas, producer gas and similar gases, other than petroleum gases or other gaseous hydrocarbons
Tars (including reconstituted tars), distill. from coal, lignite or peat, and other mineral tars, whether dehydrated or partially distilled
Benzene, from distillation of hi-temp coal tar or in which wt. of aromatic components o/wt. of nonaromatic components
Toluene, from distillation of hi-temp coal tar or in which wt. of aromatic components o/wt. of nonaromatic components
Xylenes, from distillation of hi-temp coal tar or in which wt. of aromatic components o/wt. of nonaromatic components
Naphthalene, from distillation of hi-temp coal tar or in which wt. of aromatic components o/wt. of nonaromatic components
Aromatichydrocarbon mix.(from dist.ofhi-temp coaltar or wt.of aromatic > nonaromatic),65%+ by vol.(incl.losses) dist. at 250 C/ASTM D 86
Creosote oils, from dist.of hi-temp coal tar or wt. of aromatic exceeds nonaromatic
Light oil, from dist.of hi-temp coal tar or wt. of aromatic exceeds nonaromatic
Picolines, from dist.of hi-temp coal tar or wt. of aromatic exceeds nonaromatic
Carbazole, from dist.of hi-temp coal tar or wt. of aromatic exceeds nonaromatic, w/purity of 65% or more by wt.
Phenols > 50% by wt hydroxybenzene
Metacresol/orthocresol/paracresol/metaparacresol (from dist.of hi-temp coal tar or wt. of aromatic > nonaromatic), w/purity of 75%+ by wt.
Other products of hi-temp coal tar distillation and like products in which aromatic constituents exceed nonaromatic constituents, nesoi
Pitch, obtained from coal tar or other mineral tars
Pitch coke, obtained from coal tar or other mineral tars
Petroleum oils and oils from bituminous minerals, crude, testing under 25 degrees A.P.I.
Petroleum oils and oils from bituminous minerals, crude, testing 25 degrees A.P.I. or more
Light oil motor fuel from petroleum oils and bituminous minerals (o/than crude) or preps. 70%+ by wt. from petroleum oils
Light oil motor fuel blending stock from petroleum oils & bituminous minerals (o/than crude) or prep 70%+ by wt. from petroleum oils
Naphthas (exc. motor fuel/mtr fuel blend. stock) fr petroleum oils & bitumin minerals (o/than crude) or preps 70%+ by wt. fr petroleum oils
Light oil mixt. of hydrocarbons fr petro oils & bitum min(o/than crude) or prep 70%+ wt. fr petro oils, nesoi,n/o 50% any single hydrocarbon
Light oils and preparations from petroleum oils & oils from bituminous min. or preps 70%+ by wt. from petro. oils or bitum. min., nesoi
Distillate and residual fuel oil (including blends) derived from petroleum or oils from bituminous minerals, testing < 25 degrees A.P.I.
Distillate and residual fuel oil (including blends) derived from petroleum oils or oil of bituminous minerals, testing 25 degree A.P.I. or >
Kerosene-type jet fuel from petroleum oils and oils of bitumin minerals (o/than crude) or preps. 70%+ by wt. from petroleum oils
Kerosene motor fuel (not jet) from petro oils and bitumin minerals (o/than crude) or preps. 70%+ by wt. from petroleum oils
Kerosene motor fuel blending stock (not jet), from petro oils and bitumin. minerals (o/than crude) or preps. 70%+ by wt. from petro oils
Kerosene (ex. motor fuel/mtr fuel blend stock/xc jet), fr petro oils and bitumin minerals (o/than crude) or preps 70%+ by wt fr petro oils
Mixture of hydrocarbons from petro oils & bitum. min. or preps.70%+ by wt. fr. petro. oils, nesoi, n/o 50% any single hydrocarbon
Petroleum oils & oils from bituminous minerals or preps nesoi 70%+ by wt. from petroleum oils or bitum. min., not waste, nesoi
Dist and resid fuel oil (including blends) derived from petro or oils fr bitum min, testing under 25 degrees A.P.I., contng biodiesel
Dist and resid fuel oil (including blends) derived from petro or oils fr bitum min testing 25 degree A.P.I. or >, contng biodiesel
Kerosene-type jet fuel/mtr ful/mtr ful blend stck fr pet oils & bitumin min (o/th crude), or preps. 70%+ by w fr pet oils, ctg biodiesel
Kerosene (ex jet fuel,mtr ful/mtr ful blend stck/jet), fr pet oils and bitumin. min (o/th crude) or preps 70%+ by wt fr pet oils, ctg biodie
Ethylene, propylene, butylene and butadiene, liquefied
Liquefied petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons, nesoi
Natural gas, in gaseous state
Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons, except natural gas
Paraffin wax (whether or not colored), obtained by synthesis or other process and less than 0.75% oil by wt.
Montan wax (whether or not colored), obtained by synthesis or other process
Mineral waxes (i.e.,paraffin w/0.75%+ oil, microcrystall. wax, slack lignite & peat waxes, ozokerite), obtained by synthesis
Coke, petroleum, not calcined
Coke, petroleum coke, calcined
Residues (except petroleum coke or petroleum bitumen) of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous materials
Bituminous or oil shale and tar sands
Bitumen and asphalt, natural; asphaltites and asphaltic rocks
Bituminous mixtures based on natural asphalt, natural bitumen, petroleum bitumen, mineral tar or mineral tar pitch
Sulfur, sublimed or precipitated; colloidal sulfur
Carbon (carbon blacks and other forms of carbon not elsewhere specified or included)
Rare gases, other than argon
Silicon containing by weight not less than 99.99 percent of silicon
Silicon, containing by weight less than 99.99 percent but not less than 99 percent of silicon
Silicon, containing by weight less than 99 percent of silicon
Alkali metals, other than sodium
Rare-earth metals, scandium and yttrium, whether or not intermixed or interalloyed
Hydrogen chloride (Hydrochloric acid)
Nitric acid; sulfonitric acids
Phosphoric acid and polyphosphoric acids
Oxides of boron; boric acids
Hydrogen fluoride (Hydrofluoric acid)
Sulfamic acid and other inorganic acids nesoi
Silicon dioxide, other than synthetic silica gel
Other inorganic oxygen compounds of nonmetals, nesoi
Carbonyl dichloride (Phosgene)
Other chlorides and chloride oxides
Halides and halide oxides of nonmetals, excluding chlorides and chloride oxides
Sulfides of nonmetals, excluding carbon disulfide and sulfides of arsenic or phosphorus
Ammonia in aqueous solution
Sodium hydroxide (Caustic soda), solid
Sodium hydroxide (Caustic soda), in aqueous solution (Soda lye or liquid soda)
Potassium hydroxide (Caustic potash)
Peroxides of sodium or potassium
Hydroxide and peroxide of magnesoium
Oxides, hydroxides and peroxides of strontium
Oxides, hydroxides and peroxides of barium
Zinc oxide; zinc peroxide
Artificial corundum, crude
Artificial corundum, in grains, or ground, pulverized or refined
Aluminum oxide, other than artificial corundum
Chromium oxides and hydroxides, other than chromium trioxide
Manganese oxides, other than manganese dioxide
Iron oxides and hydroxides
Earth colors containing 70 percent or more by weight of combined iron evaluated as Fe2O3
Cobalt oxides and hydroxides; commercial cobalt oxides
Lead monoxide (Litharge, massicot)
Lead suboxide (Leady litharge)
Hydrazine and hydroxylamine and their inorganic salts
Lithium oxide and hydroxide
Vanadium oxides and hydroxides
Nickel oxides and hydroxides
Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
Molybdenum oxides and hydroxides
Beryllium oxide and hydroxide
Other inorganic bases; other metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, nesoi
Fluorides, other than of ammonium, sodium or aluminum
Sodium hexafluoroaluminate (Synthetic cryolite)
Fluorosilicates of sodium or of potassium
Other complex fluorine salts, nesoi
Chloride oxides and chloride hydroxides of copper
Chloride oxides and chloride hydroxides of vanadium
Chloride oxides and chloride hydroxides other than of copper or of vanadium
Bromides of sodium or potassium
Bromides or bromide oxides of ammonium, calcium, or zinc
Other bromides and bromide oxides, other than ammonium, calcium or zinc
Iodide and iodide oxide of calcium or copper
Iodide and iodide oxide of potassium
Iodides and iodide oxides, other than of calcium, copper or potassium
Commercial calcium hypochlorite and other calcium hypochlorites
Hypochlorites, except of calcium; hypobromites; chlorites
Other chlorates and perchlorates, other than sodium
Perchlorates, perbromates, iodates, periodates; of potassium
Other perbromates, iodates and periodates other than potassium
Zinc sulfide, luminescent grade, purity>= 99.99 % By wt.
Zinc sulfide excluding luminescent grade
Polysulfides; sulfides, other than those of zinc and cadmium
Sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate
Dithionites and sulfoxylates of sodium
Dithionites and sulfoxylates, other than those of sodium
Sulfites, except sodium sulfites
Thiosulfates, except sodium thiosulfate
Disodium sulfate, crude (Salt cake)
Disodium sulfate, other than crude
Sodium sulfates, other than disodium sulfate
Sodium peroxosulfates (sodium persulfates)
Peroxosulfates (persulfates), nesoi
Nitrites, other than of sodium
Phosphinates (hypophosphites) and phosphonates (phosphites)
Mono- or disodium phosphates
Calcium hydrogenorthophosphate (“Dicalcium phosphate”)
Other phosphates of calcium, nesoi
Sodium triphosphate (Sodium tripolyphosphate)
Polyphosphates, other than sodium triphosphate and potassium polyphosphate
Sodium hydrogencarbonate (Sodium bicarbonate)
Potassium hydrogencarbonate (Potassium bicarbonate)
Commercial ammonium carbonate, containing ammonium carbamate, and other ammonium carbonates
Carbonates nesoi, and peroxocarbonates (percarbonates)
Cyanides and cyanide oxides, except those of sodium
Complex cyanides, excluding potassium ferricyanide
Sodium silicates except sodium metasilicates
Other alkali metal silicates nesoi
Anhydrous disodium tetraborate (refined borax)
Disodium tetraborate (refined borax) except anhydrous
Borates, other than disodium tetraborate (refined borax)
Peroxoborates (perborates)
Chromates except of zinc or lead and dichromates except of sodium or potassium; peroxochromates
Manganites, manganates and permanganates (except potassium permanganate)
Molybdates, other than of ammonium
Chromates of zinc or of lead
Salts of oxometallic or peroxometallic acids nesoi
Double or complex silicates
Fulminates, cyanates and thiocyanates
Salts of inorganic acids or peroxoacids nesoi, excluding azides
Colloidal precious metals
Silver compounds, other than silver nitrate
Inorganic or organic compounds of precious metals, excluding those of silver and gold; amalgams of precious metals
Natural uranium compounds
Alloys, dispersions (including cermets), ceramic products and mixtures containing natural uranium or natural uranium compounds
Heavy water (Deuterium oxide)
Mixtures of rare-earth oxides or of rare-earth chlorides
Yttrium materials and compounds containing by wt. >19% But < 85% yttrium oxide equivalent
Compounds, inorganic or organic, of rare-earth metals, of yttrium or of scandium, or of mixtures of these metals, nesoi
Hydrogen peroxide, whether or not solidified with urea
Silicon carbide, in grains, or ground, pulverized or refined
Hydride, nitride, azide, silicide and boride of calcium
Hydride, nitride, azide, silicide and boride of titanium
Hydride, nitride, azide, silicide and boride of tungsten
Hydride, nitride, azide, silicide and boride of vanadium
Hydrides, nitrides, azides, silicides and borides other than of calcium, titanium, tungsten or vanadium
Mercuric oxide, mercuric cyanide, mercuric oxycyanide and mercuric potassium cyanide
Other chemically defined compounds of mercury excluding amalgams
Albuminates, tannates, and phosphides of mercury
Inorganic or organic compounds of mercury, not chemically defined, not albuminates, tannates, or phosphides, excluding amalgams
Cyanogen chloride (Chlorocyan)
Phosphor copper containing more than 15% by weight of phosphorus, excluding ferrosphosphorus
Phosphides, whether or not chemically defined, excluding ferrophosphorus, of other metals or of nonmetals
Other phosphides, excl ferrophosphorous, nesoi
Saturated acyclic hydrocarbon (not ethane,butane,n-pentane or isopentane),derived in whole or part from petroleum,shale oil or natural gas
Saturated acyclic hydrocarbon (not ethane,butane,n-pentane or isopentane),not derived in whole or part petroleum,shale oil or natural gas
Butene (Butylene) and isomers thereof
Isoprene, having a purity of 95 percent or more by weight
Isoprene less than 95 percent pure
Unsaturated acyclic hydrocarbons, nesoi, derived in whole or in part from petroleum, shale oil or natural gas
Unsaturated acyclic hydrocarbons, nesoi, not derived in whole or in part from petroleum, shale oil or natural gas
Cyclanic hydrocarbons (except cyclohexane), cyclenic hydrocarbons and cycloterpenes
Acenaphthene, chrysene, cymene, dimethylnaphthalenes, fluoranthene, fluorene, indene, mesitylene, and other specified cyclic hydrocarbons
Alkylbenzenes and polyalkylbenzenes
Anthracene and 1,4-di-(2-methylstyryl)benzene
Biphenyl (diphenyl), in flakes
Cyclic hydrocarbons, nesoi
Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) & chloroethane (Ethyl chloride)
Dichloromethane (Methylene chloride)
Chloroform (Trichloromethane)
1,2-Dichloroethane (Ethylene dichloride)
1,2-Dichloropropane (Propylene dichloride) and dichlorobutanes
Hexachloroethane and tetrachloroethane
Saturated chlorinated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons, nesoi
Vinyl chloride (Chloroethylene)
Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene)
Unsaturated chlorinated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons, nesoi
Acetylene tetrabromide; alkyl bromides; methylene dibromide; and vinyl bromide
Fluorinated, brominated or iodinated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons, nesoi
Bromochlorodifluoromethane, bromotrifluoromethane and dibromotetrafluoroethanes
Other acyclic hydrocarbon derivatives,perhalogenated only with flourine and chlorine
Other perhalogenated acyclic hydrocarbon derivatives, nesoi
Other halogenated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons containing two or more different halogens, nesoi
1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH (ISO)), including Lindane(ISO, INN)
Aldrin (ISO), chlordane (ISO) and heptachlor (ISO)
Halogenated derivatives of cyclanic cyclenic or cycloterpenic hydrocarbons: Mirex (ISO)
Halogenated pesticides derived in whole or in part from benzene or other aromatic hydrocarbon, nesoi
Halogenated products derived in whole or in part from benzene or other aromatic hydrocarbon, described in additional U.S. note 3 to sec. VI
Halogenated derivatives derived in whole or in part from benzene or other aromatic hydrocarbon, nesoi
Chlorinated, but not otherwise halogenated derivatives of cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic hydrocarbons
Other halogenated derivatives of cyclanic etc hydrocarbons not deriv from benzene or other aromatic hydrocarbons
Hexachlorobenzene (ISO) and DDT (clofenatone (INN), (1,1,1-Trichloro-2,2-bis(p- chlorophenyl)ethane))
Halogenated derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons, pentachlorobenzene
Halogenated derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons, hexabromobiphenyls
3-Bromo-alpha,alpha,alpha-trifluorotoluene; and other specified halogenated derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons
p-Chlorobenzotrifluoride; and 3,4-Dichlorobenzotrifluoride
m-Dichlorobenzene; 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-ethylphenyl)ethane; and trichlorobenzenes
Benzyl chloride (alpha-Chlorotoluene); benzotrichloride (alpha,alpha,alpha- trichlorotoluene)
Pesticides derived from halogenated derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons
Other halogenated derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons, nesoi
2-Anthracenesulfonic acid
m-Benzenedisulfonic acid, sodium salt; 1,5-naphthalenedisulfonic acid; and p- toluenesulfonyl chloride
Mixtures of 1,3,6-naphthalenetrisulfonic acid and 1,3,7-naphthalenetrisulfonic acid
Aromatic derivatives of hydrocarbons containing only sulfo groups, their salts and ethyl esters, described in add. U.S. note 3 to sec. VI
Aromatic derivatives of hydrocarbons containing only sulfo groups, their salts and ethyl esters, nesoi
Nonaromatic derivatives of hydrocarbons containing only sulfo groups, their salts and ethyl esters, nesoi
5-tert-Butyl-2,4,6-trinitro-m-xylene (Musk xylol) and other artificial musks
Nitrated benzene, nitrated toluene (except p-nitrotoluene) or nitrated naphthalene
Aromatic derivatives of hydrocarbons containing only nitro or only nitroso groups, described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
Aromatic derivatives of hydrocarbons containing only nitro or only nitroso groups, nesoi
Nonaromatic derivatives of hydrocarbons containing only nitro or only nitroso groups, nesoi
Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid
Ammonium perfluorooctane sulfonate
Lithium perfluorooctane sulfonate
Potassium perfluorooctane sulfonate
Other salts of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid
Perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride
Trichloronitromethane (chloropicrin)
Monochloromononitrobenzenes; o-nitrochlorobenzene; p-nitrochlorobenzene
Monochloromononitrobenzenes nesoi
4-Chloro-3-nitro-a,a,a-trifluorotoluene; 2-Chloro-5-nitro-a,a,a-trifluorotoluene; and 4- Chloro-3,5-dinitro-a,a,a-trifluorotoluene
Nitrotoluenesulfonic acids
1-Bromo-2-nitrobenzene; 1,2-Dichloro-4-nitrobenzene and o-Fluoronitrobenzene
4,4′-Dinitrostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid
Sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of aromatic products described in additional US note 3 to section 6
Other sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons excluding aromatic products described in add US note 3 to section 6
Nonaromatic sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of hydrocarbons, nesoi
Methanol (Methyl alcohol) imported only for use in producing synthetic natural gas (SNG) or for direct use as a fuel
Methanol (Methyl alcohol), other than imported only for use in producing synthetic natural gas (SNG) or for direct use as fuel
Propan-1-ol (Propyl alcohol) and Propan-2-ol (isopropyl alcohol)
Butan-1-ol (n-Butyl alcohol)
tert-Butyl alcohol, having a purity of less than 99 percent by weight
Butanols other than butan-1-ol and tert-butyl alcohol having a purity of less than 99 percent by weight
Octanol (Octyl acohol) and isomers thereof
Dodecan-1-ol (Lauryl alcohol); hexadecan-1-ol (Cetyl alcohol); octadecan-1-ol (Stearyl alcohol)
Pentanol (Amyl alcohol) and isomers thereof
Saturated monohydric alcohols, nesoi
Acyclic terpene alcohols, other than geraniol and isophytol
Unsaturated monohydric alcohols, other than allyl alcohol or acyclic terpene alcohols
Ethylene glycol (Ethanediol)
Propylene glycol (Propane-1,2-diol)
Dihydric alcohols (diols), nesoi
2-Ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)propane-1,3-diol (Trimethylolpropane)
Esters of glycerol formed with the acids of heading 2904
Polyhydric alcohols derived from sugars, nesoi
Polyhydric alcohols, nesoi
Halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of monohydric alcohols
Halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of acyclic alcohols, nesoi
Cyclohexanol, methylcyclohexanols and dimethylcyclohexanols
4,4′-Isopropylidenedicyclohexanol;and mixt. w/not less 90% stereoisomers of 2- isopropyl-5-methylcyclohexanol but n/o 30% any 1 stereoisomer
Other cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic alcohols and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives
Odoriferous or flavoring compounds of aromatic alcohols and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives, nesoi
1,1-Bis(4-chlorophenyl)-2,2,2-trichloroethanol (Dicofol); and p-nitrobenzyl alcohol
Other aromatic alcohols and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives
Phenol (Hydroxybenzene) and its salts
Octylphenol, nonylphenol and their isomers; salts thereof
Naphthols and their salts, other than alpha-Naphthol and 2-Naphthol
2-t-Butyl ethyl phenol; and 6-t-butyl-2,4-xylenol and ylenols and their salts
Hydroquinone (Quinol) and its salts, photographic grade
Hydroquinone (Quinol) and its salts, other than photographic grade
4,4′-Isopropylidenediphenol (Bisphenol A, Diphenylolpropane) and its salts
6-Chloro-m-cresol [OH=1]; m-chlorophenol; and chlorothymol
Pentachlorophenol and its salts; and 2,4,5-trichlorophenol and its salts
Derivatives of phenols or phenol-alcohols containing only halogen substituents and their salts described in add. U.S. note 3 to sec. VI
Other halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of phenol or phenol- alcohols
Dinoseb (ISO) and its salts
4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol (DNOC (ISO)) and its salts
Specified derivatives of phenols or phenol-alcohols containing only sulfo groups, their salts and esters
4-Hydroxy-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid
1,8-Dihydroxynaphthalene-3,6-disulfonic acid and its sodium salt
Derivatives nesoi,of phenols or phenol-alcohols cont. only sulfo groups, their salts and esters, described in add. U.S. note 3 to section VI
Derivatives of phenol or phenol-alcohols containing only sulfo groups, their salts and esters, nesoi
Nitrophenols, except p-nitrophenol
Dinitro-o-cresols (other than 4,6-dinitro-o-cresol) and 4-nitro-m-cresol
Dinitrobutylphenol and its salts
Halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of phenols or phenol- alcohols described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
Halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of phenols or phenol- alcohols, nesoi
Methyl tertiay-butyl ether. (MTBE)
Ethers of acyc monohydric alcohols & deriv, nesoi
Triethylene glycol dichloride
Ethers of polyhydric alcohols and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives, nesoi
Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic ethers and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives
5-Chloro-2-nitroanisole; 6-chloro-3-nitro-p-dimethoxybenzene; and dimethyl diphenyl ether
Decabromodiphenyl oxide; and octabromodiphenyl oxide
Bis-(tribromophenoxy)ethane; pentabromodiphenyl oxide; and tetradecabromodiphenoxy benzene
6-tert-Butyl-3-methyl-2,4-dinitroanisole (Musk ambrette) and other artificial musks
Odoriferous or flavoring compounds of aromatic ethers and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives, nesoi
Pesticides, of aromatic ethers and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives
Aromatic ethers and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives, nesoi, described in add. U.S. note 3 to section VI
Other aromatic ethers and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated, or nitrosated derivatives, nesoi
2,2′-Oxydiethanol (Diethylene glycol, Digol)
Monobutyl ethers of ethylene glycol or of diethylene glycol
Monoalkyl ethers of ethylene glycol or of diethylene glycol
Other aromatic ether-alcohols, their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives described in add. US note 3 to section VI
Aromatic ether-alcohols and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives, nesoi
Nonaromatic glycerol ethers
Di-pentaerythritol having a purity of 94% or more by weight
Other non-aromatic ether-alcohols and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives
Guaiacol and its derivatives
Odoriferous or flavoring compounds of ether-phenols, ether-alcohol-phenols & their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated, nitrosated derivatives
Ether-phenols, ether-alcohol-phenols & their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated, nitrosated derivatives nesoi, in add. U.S. note 3 to sec. VI
Ether-phenols, ether-alcohol-phenols and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives, nesoi
Aromatic alcohol, ether and ketone peroxides and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated, nitrosated derivatives, in add. US note 3 sec. VI
Aromatic alcohol peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone peroxides and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives, nesoi
Nonaromatic alcohol, ether and ketone peroxides and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives
Methyloxirane (Propylene oxide)
1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane (Epichlorohydrin)
Aromatic epoxides, epoxyalcohols, epoxyphenols and epoxyethers, with a three- membered ring, and their derivatives, nesoi
Other nonaromatic epoxides, epoxyalcohols and epoxyethers, with a three-membered ring and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated deriv
Acetals and hemiacetals, whether or not with other oxygen function, and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives
Odoriferous or flavoring compounds of acyclic aldehydes without other oxygen function, nesoi
Butanal (Butyraldehyde, normal isomer)
Acyclic aldehydes without other oxygen function, nesoi
3,4-Dimethylbenzaldehyde; paraldehyde, USP grade; and p-tolualdehyde
Other cyclic aldehydes without other oxygen function
Vanillin (4-Hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde)
Ethylvanillin (3-Ethoxy-4-hydroxy-benzaldehyde)
Other aromatic aldehyde-alcohols, aldehyde-ethers, aldehyde-phenols and aldehydes with other oxygen function
Nonaromatic aldehyde-alcohols, other than hydroxycitronellal
Nonaromatic aldehyde-ethers, aldehyde-phenols and aldehydes with other oxygen function, nesoi
Metaldehyde from cyclic polymers of aldehydes
Cyclic polymers of aldehydes, other than Metaldehyde.
Aromatic halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of product of heading 2912
Nonaromatic halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of products of heading 2912
Acetone, derived in whole or in part from cumene
Acetone, not derived in whole or in part from cumene
Butanone (Methyl ethyl ketone)
4-Methylpentan-2-one (Methyl isobutyl ketone)
Acyclic ketones without other oxygen function, nesoi
Ionones and methylionones
Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic ketones without other oxygen function, nesoi
Phenylacetone (Phenylpropan-2-one)
7-Acetyl-1,1,3,4,4,6-hexamethyltetrahydronaphthalene; 1-(2-Naphthalenyl)ethanone; and 6-Acetyl-1,1,2,3,3,5-hexamethylindan
Aromatic ketones without other oxygen function, nesoi
4-Hydroxy-4-methylpentan-2-one (Diacetone alcohol)
1,2,3-Indantrione monohydrate (Ninhydrin)
Aromatic ketone-alcohols and ketone-aldehydes, nesoi
Nonaromatic ketone-alcohols and ketone-aldehydes, nesoi
5-Benzoyl-4-hydroxy-2-methoxy-benzenesulfonic acid
Aromatic ketone-phenols and ketones with other oxygen function
Nonaromatic ketone-phenols and ketones with other oxygen function
Photographic chemicals of quinones
1,4-Dihydroxyanthraquinone; and 2-ethylanthraquinone
Halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives: chlordecone (ISO)
2,3-dichloro-1,4-naphthoquinone and other artificial musks
Anthraquinone disulfonic acid, sodium salt; and 4-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)-1-tetralone
Other halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated, etc derivatives of aromatic ketones and quinones whether or not with other oxygen function
Other halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of nonaromatic ketones and quinones whether or not with other ogygen function
Aromatic esters of formic acid
Nonaromatic esters of formic acid
Cupric acetate monohydrate
Other salts of acetic acid
Odoriferous or flavoring compounds of aromatic esters of acetic acid, other than benzyl acetate
Aromatic esters of acetic acid described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
Aromatic esters of acetic acid, nesoi
Odoriferous or flavoring compounds of nonaromatic esters of acetic acid, nesoi
Acetates of polyhydric alcohols or of polyhydric alcohol ethers
2-Ethoxyethyl acetate (Ethylene glycol, monoethyl ether acetate)
Other non-aromatic esters of acetic acid