The first human set foot on the moon on July 20, 1969, when Neil Armstrong emerged from the Apollo 11 lander.
Along with the footage that was broadcast live on television, iconic images of the lunar expedition come from still photos the astronauts took themselves on a Hasselblad camera. The photos provide exceedingly crisp depictions of the lunar surface, the astronauts’ equipment and candid shots of the explorers themselves.
The Project Apollo Archive, a passion project of space enthusiast Kipp Teague, published extremely high-resolution scans of film provided by NASA. Included in these images are classic shots of the Apollo crew on the moon’s surface and quieter moments inside the vehicles that carried them.
Included as well are less meticulously composed, almost accidental-looking images taken by the astronauts over the course of their mission.
The off-kilter composition and the in-between moments remind you that beneath the layers of their impermeable spacesuits, there were actually humans walking on the moon.

Correction: A caption of a photo of the lunar module incorrectly described it as being taken after the moon landing, it was actually taken prior to the landing.