First, a challenge: Open this list of UN events and see how many titles you can read before you start wanting to bore a hole in your head.
It doesn’t take long.
Last year, we decided to give UNGA’s overworked planners a hand, and suggested some new titles for some of its most important and interesting events. Senior officials, including assistant secretary general M. Martinez-Soliman seemed to appreciate the effort.
So here we are again! Feel free to submit more titles you’d like to workshop with us. We love doing our bit in solidarity to support the global compact and relevant stakeholders in the achievement of the high-capacity ministerial-level commitments made towards the SDGs.
Making the United Nations Relevant to All People
: Global Leadership and Shared Responsibilities for Peaceful, Equitable and Sustainable Societies
The world is falling apart and people don’t care about the UN. Thoughts?
High-level Side Event on the Global Compact for Refugees:
A model for greater solidarity and cooperation
Can we please find a way to help these people?
New Technologies and Mobile Solutions for Development:
Business driving innovation for social good
We think we found someone who really gets blockchain.
Impact of Corruption and the Lack of Accountability
on the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Nigeria
Umpire! Nigeria is cheating on development goals!
Scaling Solutions and Shifting Systems: The Power of Collaboration
Teamwork = dreamwork
Capacity Building Across Borders
: A Strategy for Funders—report launch breakfast & panel discussion
We wrote a report about working with others to invest in good causes. We promise it’s interesting and we have free food to prove it.
The Power of Partnerships
: the realization of high-level commitments to prevent and control NCDs
We have this plan to fight basically every disease you can’t catch on the train, so we’re gonna need a bigger group.
Friends of the UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Noncommunicable Diseases:
Supporting Member States to achieve the NCD-related Sustainable Development Goals targets
Actually… can you find a few more people? We need like a very, very big group for this.
Finance for Global Change Forum
A lovely gathering for bankers who like to pretend they care.
Re-Inventing Roma Inclusion
Stop being racist toward the Roma.