According to Brandless co-founder and co-chair, Tina Sharkey, every company has a raison d’etre, a sense of meaning that drives the operation forward. At Brandless, she says, it’s about democratizing access to consumer goods. Most items on the site are priced between $3 and $9, enabling the company, says Sharkey, to “be for profit and for purpose at the same time.” In this video, the first of a five-part members-only series, Sharkey explains how imbuing your company with a sense of mission starts with answering three key questions: What problems are you trying to solve? What communities are you trying to attract? And what is the larger thing you’re trying to do in the world? In other videos in this series, Sharkey addresses how to hire to fulfill your mission, how to win employee and consumer buy-in; and how to extend your mission beyond your office walls.