In recent weeks, Goldman Sachs economists and strategists from around the globe have been publishing and discussing their forecasts for 2014. Below is a series of short videos in which these experts share their macroeconomic insights on global economic growth, the U.S. economy, and the economic outlook for Europe, Asia, and Japan.
2014 Outlook: Global Economic Growth
Jan Hatzius, chief economist of Global Investment Research (GIR) at Goldman Sachs, discusses GIR’s global economic forecast for 2014.
“As we go into 2014, we think there will be an acceleration (in the global economy).” – Jan Hatzius
2014 Outlook: Emerging Markets
Dominic Wilson, chief markets economist of Global Investment Research at Goldman Sachs, discusses economic performance in the emerging (or “growth”) markets in 2013 and what we might expect in 2014.
“I think the good news for 2014 for the emerging markets relative to 2013 is that the slowing that we saw in growth probably won’t be repeated.” – Dominic Wilson
2014 Outlook: Japan
Kathy Matsui, chief Japan equity strategist for Global Investment Research (GIR) at Goldman Sachs, discusses GIR’s outlook for Japan in 2014.
“…we think the prospects are very bullish for Japan, which is a very different conclusion from previous years.” – Kathy Matsui
2014 Outlook: Europe
Huw Pill, chief European economist of Global Investment Research (GIR) at Goldman Sachs, discusses the 2014 economic outlook for Europe.
“Above all, from a mechanical point of view in 2014, we’re expecting the pace of fiscal adjustment in Europe–so the extent to which austerity weighs on growth–to begin to decline.” – Huw Pill
2014 Asia Economic Outlook
Timothy Moe, chief Asia Pacific regional equity strategist for Global Investment Research (GIR) at Goldman Sachs, discusses GIR’s outlook for Asia Pacific equities in 2014.
“We think we’ve got good solid grounds for expecting (improvement from Asia Pacific equities next year), which are predicated upon an improvement in the delivery of growth.” – Timothy Moe
Learn more about the macroeconomic issues and trends that are shaping markets around the world.
This article was written by Goldman Sachs and not by the Quartz editorial staff.