A guerrilla art campaign is posting fake Rudy Giuliani ads in New York subway cars

A guerrilla art campaign is posting fake Rudy Giuliani ads in New York subway cars
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A new subway-car ad made its debut across New York City this week, touting the peculiar services offered by “Crazy Rudy,” aka attorney at law Rudolph Giuliani

The ad satirically refers to the former mayor’s aggressive defense of Donald Trump and his alleged role in pushing the president to pressure Ukraine to find compromising information on Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

The ad trumpets:

  • Back-channel deals
  • Cable news appearances
  • Has NO SHAME
  • Will work for FREE (*will work when drunk)

It lists a site, crazyrudylaw.com, that links to the Instagram account of a user called TGL.

The site gives a street address, which is that of a cigar lounge located near the White House. It also includes a phone number, to which a voicemail responds with the following message:

TGL, an acronym for The Good Liars, is a duo of artists and comedians who told Quartz they’d rather remain anonymous. “We hope these ads are a wakeup call to Mr. Giuliani,” a member of TGL told Quartz.

The same group authored a similar campaign last week, with subway ads apologizing for Trump to visitors in town for the United Nations General Assembly.

Other campaigns by TGL include a proposed class-action lawsuit against the president for emotional-distress damages (for anyone who’s pictured Trump and Stormy Daniels having sex) and a poster campaign to oppose the construction of a new “ugly building for rich people” in New York.

Putting up banners in subway cars isn’t exactly cheap: The minimum purchase (1,000 posters for four weeks) would amount to $67,000. But, said the TGL member, this was a guerrilla campaign: They didn’t pay the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which would not likely have approved it anyway. The MTA doesn’t allow political ads to be displayed on the subway, and it’s rejected campaigns that it’s found, rather arbitrarily, to be offensive.