The coronavirus might prevent Americans from socializing with our neighbors, but it can’t stop us from judging them. A sheer scarf is not a mask. Wow, another Amazon delivery?
The Kaiser Family Foundation recently surveyed more than 1,000 adults living in the US about their experiences with coronavirus and social-distancing. Asked to grade themselves and their neighbors, more than half of those surveyed gave themselves an “A” for “excellent” when it came to following social-distancing guidelines—a grade only about 35% bestowed upon their neighbors. 24% of respondents gave their neighbors a grade of C or below (“average,” “poor,” or “failing”). Only 11% of people graded themselves so poorly.
Most people also think they’re a little better than the people they live with. 90% of respondents said they are either “excellent” or “good” at social-distancing, but only 83% are sure this is true of others in their household.
The vast majority of those surveyed—84%—said their lives had been disrupted by the coronavirus outbreak. Still, 80% felt that social-distancing and shelter-in-place guidelines were worthwhile to prevent further spread of the virus. If only everyone were as excellent at it as they are.