Two kinds of models besieged New York City this week. A pack of top runway models are in town for New York Fashion Week, and a cast of impeccably groomed purebred canines are hovering around midtown for the Westminster Kennel Club’s Annual Dog Show, which concluded last night.
In some ways, these two events could not be more different. But the photos of their backstage activities reveal some notable similarities. Both groups undergo the requisite preening frenzies aided by dressers, groomers, and stylists who come armed with a panoply of blowdryers, irons and brushes. When juxtaposed, even their polished looks reveal parallel universes.
Of course, there are no winners in New York Fashion Week, just 500 shows and events spotlighting designer fall fashion, and an army of camera-hungry celebs. As for the Westminster Kennel Club show, of some 3,000 dogs who competed this year, Miss P, a 15-inch beagle from British Columbia, Canada was named Best in Show.
Which hair is for the dogs and which for the humans?

Who’s more likely to snap if you tug her hair too tightly?

“So bored right now.”

“You lookin’ at me?”

Curls are the new black

“This is exhausting.”

“Get me out of here.”