Apple broke from its characteristic silence in the run-up to unveiling the Apple Watch. The Cupertino, California company has spent the last six months teasing consumers with its new smart watch, revealing just enough to whet consumers’ appetite. Today, Apple finally answered the three top questions on people’s minds.
When and where will the Apple Watch ship?
Preorders for the Apple Watch begin April 10, and the device will ship April 24 in the US, UK, Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, and Japan.
How much will it cost?
The Apple Watch Sport starts at $349 for the 38mm version and costs $399 for the 42mm. (All prices in US dollars are for the US market. Prices elsewhere may vary.)
The smaller Apple Watch will cost $549 to $1,049, depending on the configuration, and the larger version will cost $50 more, from $599 to $1099.
The Apple Watch Edition, which will have limited availability, will cost $10,000.
How long will the battery last?
CEO Tim Cook previously gave indications that the Apple Watch will last a full day before needing to recharge, but never specified if that was with heavy use. At today’s Apple event, Cook said the battery will last 18 hours “across a range of activity” on a typical day.