Apple just redesigned its MacBook laptop for the first time in years. While taking the name “MacBook,” this is really the successor to the MacBook Air, which Apple last redesigned in 2010—the same year the first iPad debuted. (Apple is keeping the 11- and 13-inch MacBook Air as lower-priced options.)
The new 12-inch MacBook includes one of Apple’s high-resolution “retina” displays and is the first all-metal version to ship in multiple colors: Silver, space gray, and gold; the same color lineup as the iPhone and iPad. This is also the first Mac to use a new USB connector, called “type C.” This could prove controversial, as it will require new cables for pretty much everything.
Just as the iPad and iPhone have become sleeker since 2010, Apple’s industrial design lessons result in an even thinner, lighter notebook. The new MacBook weighs 2 pounds, versus 2.4 pounds for Apple’s 11-inch MacBook Air and 3 pounds for the 13-inch Air. It will go on sale on April 10, starting at $1,299.
While Apple’s computer business is no longer its largest or fastest-growing, it’s still an important part of the company—and Macs are once again selling in record numbers. This new MacBook looks great at first glance, and will likely help Apple continue to take PC-industry market share from Windows-based computers.