
Transportation safety: A paradigm shift

Transportation safety: A paradigm shift
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Until five years ago, getting a ride home from the airport or a local bar looked very different. It meant standing on a street corner attempting to hail a cab or calling a taxi company only to wait 20 minutes uncertain if your ride would show. Once you got in the car, perhaps you noticed the driver’s name and license number but you’d hardly ever be able to recall the information if you needed it. Then, of course, there was the need to pay in a cash and the handwritten paper receipt you shoved in a pocket. Leave something behind in the vehicle? Good luck trying to get it back.

The dark ages are over. Innovations in our transportation ecosystem have removed the inconveniences of yesterday while protecting riders in new ways. At Uber, safety is woven into the fabric of every trip through GPS tracking of your route, two-way feedback, rapid support, and extensive, multi-layered screening for drivers. The riding experience is more transparent and accountable than ever. But many are unaware of the inherent safety enhancements that technology has delivered to transportation.

To give our riders a clear picture of the safety ecosystem at Uber, we created an infographic detailing what goes into every trip on the platform—a look under the hood. It illustrates how every step of the Uber experience is designed with your safety in mind.

Image for article titled Transportation safety: A paradigm shift

And this is just the start. Safety is an ongoing process at Uber: With more than a million rides per day in nearly 300 cities and 55 countries, continually improving rider and driver safety is the most critical component of what we do. Our roadmap includes new technologies like biometric identity verification and safe-driving monitoring. Transportation has come a long way in five years, but we won’t stop bringing new advancements to the transportation ecosystem in your city.

Learn more about how Uber is going the distance to put people first here.

This article was produced by Uber and not by the Quartz editorial staff.