Following the market crash of 2008-2009, the first round of US quantitative easing helped spur substantial corporate earnings growth (growth rates depicted above are capped at +100% and -100% due to extreme values). Easing efforts have tapered off, and so have massive growth rates. In Q1 of 2015, rates dropped to -2.72%, down from a high of 905% in Q1 of 2010.
Combined with a strengthening dollar and a tumultuous economic climate in Europe and Asia, declining earnings growth has made it difficult for large companies to grow. To meet growth goals, many companies are turning to M&A deals, often on a massive scale, as a way to secure their bottom lines and increase market share. While the magnitude of these deals is striking and is on track to match pre-recession levels, the real challenge that awaits these companies comes after contracts are signed and the integration process begins.
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about how Workday can help successfully integrate newly acquired entities by giving companies a unified sense of where all their assets
financial or otherwise
stand during and after a merger.
This article was produced on behalf of Workday by the Quartz Marketing team and not by the Quartz editorial staff.