This startup demo video is so godawful we actually can’t tell if they’re trolling us

The one ring.
The one ring.
Image: YouTube/Aring
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Have you been looking for a nifty new way to join the internet-connected wearables craze? Well, 2Whynot Tech might have the wearable for you. The company makes a ring, rather literally named “Aring.”

In a bizarrely voiced-over launch video, the referee-whistle-shaped ring is used to solve every internet-related quandary that a young couple’s iPhone 6 cannot.

To activate the Aring, the user clicks a button and speaks into it, looking a bit like she’s trying to muffle a cough. The video helpfully shows how the ring can turn on your internet-connected light, remind you to buy a single can of Coke, or tell you how to get to the most famous landmark in the city you live in. It’s not the only internet-connected ring on the market, but the Aring is, apparently, the one ring to rule them all.

Quartz was not able to reach a representative at 2Whynot for comment because no contact details are listed on its site. But now that the company has nailed its launch video, we hope it’ll soon have time to update the Aring’s product page with details such as price, battery life, how it actually works, or why someone would want to speak into a giant ring on her index finger.