A dramatic light show on an iconic Parisian building pleads for “peace” in six languages

Image: Josh Brott
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Tonight, Nov. 16, a dramatic multimedia show is planned at the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) headquarters in Paris. In a projection called “Mosaic of Change,” seldom-seen photos from the institution’s archives will be projected on the façade of its iconic building in Paris, in commemoration of UNESCO’s 70th anniversary.

Plans for the project, which is funded by the Li Ka Shing Foundation and orchestrated by Obscura Digital, had to quickly change over the weekend after a string of terrorist attacks Friday evening that left the French capital in shock. ”In solidarity with the people of France, this evening UNESCO will project the word “peace” in the six official languages of the organization in a monumental animation,” said UNESCO in a press statement.

“We face a crucial moment for fostering peace and sustainable development, and it requires all tools at our disposal. In our visual world, a single photo can turn the tide on policy and one great quote can impact perception.”

The light show will run for three-nights in Paris until November 18. Those in Paris can watch along Avenue de Lowendal while the global audience is invited to watch the webcast on their website www.mosaicofchange.org.