Here’s a selection of front pages from European newspapers reacting to the stalemate in Italy’s election.
Kleine Zeitung (Graz, Austria):
“Neighbor in distress”
Kurier (Vienna, Austria):
“Italy becomes ungovernable”
De Morgen (Brussels, Belgium):
“Berlusconi holds Italy hostage”
Neue Westfälische (Bielefeld, Germany):
“Stalemate endangers euro union”
Ara (Barcelona, Spain):
L’Arena (Verona, Italy):
“Italy, what now?”
Heilbronner Stimme (Heilbronn, Germany):
“Italian election ignites euro crisis”
Bonus: the website of Bild (Germany):
“Will they break our euro now?”
Thanks to the excellent Newseum site that hosts newspaper front pages from around the world.