These photos elevate the funny animal picture to an art form

These photos elevate the funny animal picture to an art form
Image: Julian Rad/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
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Funny animal pictures are one of the internet’s greatest gifts. They make us laugh as we scroll through headlines announcing global warming and interest rate hikes. They remind us how easy it is to smile. And it’s about time that we recognize them as the art form they are.

Now, the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards, a collaboration between Nomad Tanzania, Natural High Safaris, Nikon UK, Kenya Airways, and One Vision Imaging, seeks to do that. Below, feel free to laugh at its 2015 winners.

Image for article titled These photos elevate the funny animal picture to an art form
Image: Yuzuru Masuda/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
Image for article titled These photos elevate the funny animal picture to an art form
Image: William Richardson/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
Image for article titled These photos elevate the funny animal picture to an art form
Image: Marc Mol/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
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Image: Oli Dreike/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
Image for article titled These photos elevate the funny animal picture to an art form
Image: Mohammed Alnaser/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
Image for article titled These photos elevate the funny animal picture to an art form
Image: Julie Hunt/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
Image for article titled These photos elevate the funny animal picture to an art form
Image: Graham Mcgeorge/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
Image for article titled These photos elevate the funny animal picture to an art form
Image: Dancing Sifaka/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
Image for article titled These photos elevate the funny animal picture to an art form
Image: Tony Dilger/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
Image for article titled These photos elevate the funny animal picture to an art form
Image: Julian Rad/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards