“Bullet necklace” Trump spokeswoman is great at trolling liberal America

“Bullet necklace” Trump spokeswoman is great at trolling liberal America
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Donald Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson appeared on CNN this week wearing a fetching necklace made of real bullets in gold, silver, and, um, gunmetal tones. Lest viewers think this was solely a fashion statement and not a political one, Pierson, responding to CNN correspondent Jim Sciutto on Twitter after he inquired about the necklace following the Dec. 29 segment, referenced the Second Amendment.

She then continued to enrage—and puzzle—many people with her response to activist Shannon Watts’  suggestion that the necklace might draw attention to gun deaths in America:

That’s correct, Pierson said perhaps her next fashion statement could be a fetus, to “bring awareness to 50 million aborted people that will never ger [sic] to be on Twitter.”

Typos aside, Pierson is no dummy, and she is proving to be as deft at trolling liberal America as her boss—although this particular strategy may have been inspired elsewhere.

In November, Pierson was forced to smirk through a Fox News segment in which her thunder was stolen by Muslim activist Saba Ahmed, who appeared wearing an American flag hijab to defend US Muslims against Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric in the wake of the Paris attacks. Pierson appears to have learned from the experience.