Photos: Americans snuggle up to a week’s worth of their trash, in a powerful message on waste

Michael, Jason, Annie and Olivia.
Michael, Jason, Annie and Olivia.
Image: Gregg Segal
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Americans generate more waste than any other national population in the world. More than half of this waste comes from residential garbage, with each individual producing an estimated two kilos of trash every day.

To show just how much we discard, in January 2014, US photographer Gregg Segal decided to ask friends and neighbors in Altadena, California, to save their trash for a whole week. Then he photographed them lying in it.

“I figured if I photographed friends, neighbors and other acquaintances lying in a week’s worth of their garbage, they might consider their habits more deeply and maybe even make some changes in their routine,” Segal tells Quartz. “We’re victims of comfort and convenience. It’s hard to change your habits when it’s so much easier to use and throw away.”

But Segal’s project isn’t really designed to shame individuals, he notes. “The burden of responsibility rests on the manufacturer,” he says. “Our economic model and its necessity for continual growth is what fuels much of the waste epidemic and makes conservation seem untenable.”

Belinda & Robert.
Belinda & Robert.
Image: Gregg Segal
Image: Gregg Segal
Image: Gregg Segal
Elias, Jessica, Azai, and Ri-karlo.
Elias, Jessica, Azai, and Ri-karlo.
Image: Gregg Segal
Image: Gregg Segal
Image: Gregg Segal
Image: Gregg Segal
Image: Gregg Segal
Marsha and Steven.
Marsha and Steven.
Image: Gregg Segal
Michael, Jason, Annie & Olivia.
Michael, Jason, Annie & Olivia.
Image: Gregg Segal
Sam & Jane.
Sam & Jane.
Image: Gregg Segal
Segal Family.
Segal Family.
Image: Gregg Segal
Alfie, Kirsten, Miles, and Elly.
Alfie, Kirsten, Miles, and Elly.
Image: Gregg Segal
Image: Gregg Segal
Till and Nicholas.
Till and Nicholas.
Image: Gregg Segal
Sammy Primero.
Sammy Primero.
Image: Gregg Segal
Image for article titled Photos: Americans snuggle up to a week’s worth of their trash, in a powerful message on waste
Image: Gregg Segal