Matt Groening, who created the genre-defining adult animation comedy The Simpsons, may be on the verge of a new creation. But instead of working with Fox, as he did with The Simpsons and Futurama, Groening is in talks with Netflix, according to Variety.
The trade magazine reported that Netflix is apparently considering ordering two seasons of Groening’s show at once, due to the long production time required to make animated shows.
It’s unclear how much a new series might resemble Groening’s other creations. While Futurama was not set in the same world or time as The Simpsons, the two always felt connected, both stylistically and comedically. The shows also had multiple call-backs to each other, including a crossover episode in 2014.
The main characters in The Simpsons first appeared in animated shorts on variety comedy program The Tracey Ullman Show in 1987, with Homer, Marge, Bart and company getting their own show on Fox in 1989. The show has become a cultural touchstone, and although it’s often been criticized for its diminishing quality past its tenth season, The Simpsons continues to anchor Fox’s Sunday night programming, and will do so until at least 2018.
Futurama ran for seven seasons over 14 years on two networks; since its finale, Groening hasn’t been involved in much television production.
At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas earlier this month, Netflix announced a host of new shows due to hit the streaming service 2016, when it plans to spend about $5 billion on new original content. As The Verge pointed out, a Groening-led animated show would make a great addition toBoJack Horseman, Netflix’s critically acclaimed animated series. Bojack‘s third series will likely arrive sometime this summer.
Netflix wasn’t immediately available for comment.