If you and your Bay Area hedge fund friends have a spare $8 billion lying around and you’d like a weekend project, a nice fixer-upper to dedicate your spare time to, you should head over to Craigslist to see what’s currently on offer. There you’ll find a once great internet and media company, Yahoo.com, available for purchase. You’ll just have to head over to Sunnyvale, Calif., to pick it up.
Yahoo is currently in the process of determining whether it wants to sell itself to another company, break itself up, or just do nothing, as revenue continues to decline. While it’s unclear if CEO Marissa Mayer published the listing herself (the contact on the ad is “Marissa”)—and Yahoo wasn’t immediately available to comment—it comes just a day after she agreed to add four board members recommended by Starboard Value, a hedge fund with investments in the company that had been threatening to replace the entire board due to its inability to reconcile the direction of the company.
If you’re interested, the advertisement provides the following details:
Here’s the full listing, which includes valuable assets like Flickr, a nice cafeteria, Tumblr, and award-winning journalist Katie Couric:
A rare find, this one-of-a-kind Internet original is now available to the public for a limited time.
A beautiful piece in good-to-fair condition, showing some signs of wear but easily restored in the hands of the right person. Sadly, the original owners can no longer maintain it.
Total package includes:
* 1 billion users, more or less
* Web email system (now 62% spam free!)
* Bottomless archive of Kim Kardashian photos
* Flickr & Tumblr
* Fully equipped Nautilus gym
* A really nice cafeteria
* The Yahoo Weather app
* Several warehouses filled with Kind bars
* Katie Couric
Yours for a limited time only.