Republicans are having airport meltdowns made possible by their own legislation

Gingrich seems to have forgotten that Republicans created the TSA.
Gingrich seems to have forgotten that Republicans created the TSA.
Image: AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster
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It started with Marco Rubio, Florida senator and failed Republican presidential candidate. Before launching into a rant against the political media, tweeted a rather petulant critique of airline in-flight amenities on Monday:

For at least some of that in-flight discomfort, Rubio can blame himself: He and his Republican colleagues in the Senate voted down a proposal to regulate legroom and pitch (the space between seats) in April.

Yesterday, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich joined the fray with an even more puzzling rant about the Transportation Security Administration (TSA):

There’s a lot happening here. First, Gingrich is the laying blame for an organizational failure at the feet of a man who isn’t in the White House yet, and isn’t likely to get there anytime soon. Second, the TSA was created as part of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act, drafted in direct response to the September 11th attacks, and signed into law by Republican president George W. Bush.

Oversight of the TSA was later transferred to the Department of Homeland Security by way of the Homeland Security Act, which Sanders voted against.

In any event, it seems Gingrich ultimately got where he needed to go:

Thanks for nothing, Bernie.