Following the controversial sentencing of former Stanford University student Brock Allen Turner for rape, the cast of the HBO show “Girls” has released a video to raise awareness of sexual assault. It’s dedicated to “the brave survivor in the Stanford case who has given so much to change the conversation,” according to a tweet by the show’s creator Lena Dunham.
The survivor was assaulted in Jan. 2015 by Turner behind a dumpster during a frat party, while she was unconscious. Last week, she gave a powerful statement in court describing her callous treatment during the trial.
The Facebook video, produced by NowThis, had more than 3.3 million views as of Thursday morning, less than 24 hours after it was posted.
Turner was charged with assault with intent to commit rape of an intoxicated woman, sexually penetrating an intoxicated person with a foreign object, and sexually penetrating an unconscious person with a foreign object. He received a lenient 6-month sentence, sparking widespread outrage, including an effort to recall the judge presiding over the case.