Pornhub, where millions go each day to watch videos of adults having sex, is now bringing porn to your ears. On Wednesday (June 15), the company announced the launch of “Described Video,” a series of videos that include spoken narration for the visually impaired.
“The video begins with a small Latina, with dirty blonde hair, lying face down on a massage table with nothing but a small towel covering her [beep],” goes one self-censored excerpt in the company’s promotional video (it’s safe for work, though barely). Described Videos are essentially pornographic audiobooks, with narration read by professional voice actors, as well as Pornhub Aria, the company’s social media persona.
Described Video launched with a collection of 50 videos, culled from the most viewed of Pornhub’s far larger inventory. The videos still include their original audio soundtracks, but at a reduced volume.
“With programs like this, we hope to open the door and inspire our community members, content partners and other platforms to create more content with the differently-abled user in mind,” Pornhub vice president Corey Price said in a statement.
In creating content for the visually impaired, Pornhub is tapping into a substantial potential audience. More than 7 million Americans over the age of 16 have some sort of visual disability.
Described Video is the latest offering from Pornhub’s philanthropic arm, Pornhub Cares, which has in the past executed campaigns to benefit breast cancer, testicular cancer, and whale conservation, among other causes.