Comments posted on the Republican National Conventions’ YouTube live stream quickly devolved into an outpouring of racism, vulgarity and hate. Anonymous comments on the internet have never been all that nice—but these reach a new low.

This sort of xenophobic, callous language has become commonplace among Trump supporters since he announced he was running for president in June 2015. In the very speech announcing his presidential bid, he implied the majority of Mexican immigrants are drug peddlers and rapists. Since then, he’s done little to reign in the racism of supporters—from advocating for policy that would have Muslims identify themselves with ID badges, to defending supporters who attack minority protesters at his rallies.
His supporters take the discourse he’s started a step further. From threatening immigrants with racial slurs, to quoting Hitler—sincerely, it would appear—the comments show an unfettered bigotry unleashed during the convention.
Shortly after the live stream began, the comments appeared to have been disabled. Then, later this evening, they seemed to return. The RNC could not be reached for comment at this time.