One minute after they went on sale, the hottest tickets in Silicon Valley, released at 10 a.m. EST this morning, are all gone. There were 5,000 tickets available for Apple’s World Wide Developer Conference, which takes place June 10-14 in San Francisco, and at $1,599 apiece, they weren’t exactly an impulse buy.
Twitter is lighting up with the lamentations of Apple heavies who didn’t get in.
Here’s Marco Arment, creator of Instapaper, the app that inspired Apple to add the “reader” functionality to its Safari web browser.
And John Gruber, dean of Daring Fireball, and easily the most influential Apple observer in the blogosphere.
Compare that to previous years: It took two hours for tickets to Apple’s WWDC in 2012 to sell out, 12 hours in 2011, and eight days in 2010.
The speed of this year’s ticket sales is a testament to the intense interest of developers in Apple’s app platform. Despite Wall Street’s Apple doomsaying, it’s clear that those who make money on its platforms are more interested in the company than ever.