Because it’s Friday, and tomorrow is the Kentucky Derby, we spent much of the morning tweeting #FinanceDerbyHorseNames. And the hashtag—essentially, financial terms that would work equally well as the name of a racehorse—kind of took off. Some of our favorites: Value at Risk, One-Time Charge, Full Faith & Credit, Fund of Funds, Mrs. Watanabe, and Front Runner.
Those would all make excellent horse names, but as it turns out, there are plenty of real-life horses with financial names. Here’s a selection:
- Currency Swap
- Credit Swap
- Rising Market
- Frothy Market
- Silver Market
- Capital Market
- Bull Market
- Market Analysis
- Market Peak
- Mark To Market
- Gold Market
- Bull Market Lady
- Market Cap
- Stock Market
- After Market
- Market Strike
- Black Market Money
- Volatile Markets
- Efficient Market
- Market Quote
- Market Outlook
- New Economy
- Distorted Economy
- Equity Swap
- Municipal Bond
- Commercial Bond
- Stocks And Bonds
- Junk Bond
- Labor Union
- Puts And Calls
- Option Contract
- Stock Option
- Derivatives
- Derivative 1
- Investment Grade
- Ideal Index
- Index Linked
- Ted Spread
- Treasury Secretary
- Treasury Note
- Treasury Bill
- Libor Rate
- Debits And Credits
- Credit Crunch
- High Margin
- Margin Note
- High Margin
- Technical Analysis
- Private Equity
- Equity Event
- Asset Value
- Forex Trader
- Trade Deficit
- Trade Signal
- Street Trader
- Active Trader
- Day Trader
- Corn Futures
- Futures Market
- Platinum Futures
- Inflation Target
- Core Inflation
- Federal Funds
- Interest Rate
- Rate Shock
- Exchange Rate 1
- Zero Rate Policy
- Central Banker
- Bail Out The Banks
- New Normal
- Sovereign Debt 1
- Mr. Prospector
- Arbitrageur
- Currency Arbitrage
- Market Collapse
- Mr. Market
- Master of Markets