Asked about immigration policy during his final US presidential debate against Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican nominee Donald Trump used his habitual language about strong borders and walls. And then he added something new to the canon, saying, ”We have some bad hombres here and we’re going to get them out.”
The phrase is classic Trump: meaningless and full of racist undertones at the same time.
Here’s how Clinton reacted to the remark:
For Spanish speakers, it was a double joke: In Trump’s thick American accent, “hombres” became “hambres,” or “hungers.”
It was pointed out that “Bad Hombres” makes for a great band name.
It also was pointed out that the domain is already taken—by a website featuring old west outlaws, none of them Hispanics. Was that what Trump meant?
Jokes aside, despite the moderator’s best efforts, the candidates were mostly able to dodge the important questions voters have about immigration. In the end, in this last debate, we didn’t learn anything new about how the next president, whoever it might be, will handle a seriously difficult problem that the US has been struggling for decades.