Donald Trump really shouldn’t have to use scotch tape to hold his red power tie together

There’s a better way to do this.
There’s a better way to do this.
Image: AFP/Getty Images/Timothy A. Clary
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On Dec. 1, Donald Trump faced a stiff brief breeze at the airport in Indianapolis, on his way to visit the Carrier air conditioning plant. The wind was not only strong enough to move the president-elect’s hair, it also whipped his red power tie over his shoulder, revealing its underside to a photographer.

There, one can clearly see at least two pieces of Scotch tape that appear to be securing the tie’s tail to the back of the tie’s larger end. I’m no expert in tie-tying, but this isn’t a measure I ever saw my dad or any boyfriend resort to. GQ confirms, this not compliant with standard gentlemanly practice.

It seems that the country’s future president (himself a purveyor of ties) wears his ties “way too long,” even for a tall (6’3″) man:

You see, because the President-elect doesn’t leave enough slack on the thin end to reach the built-in loop, he’s left with an unmoored sliver of silk that threatens his commanding suited man presence. And again, his solution is to use scotch tape, the very adhesive that’s sitting next to you at your desks right now, to connect the two pieces. Sad!

Someone get this man a tie clip.