A brief history of the US government’s awful graphic design

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The revelation that major US technology companies are participating in a National Security Administration surveillance program was shocking enough. And that was before we saw the top-secret slides used by the government to describe the spying operation. They are, to put it mildly, heinously ugly…

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Image: Washington Post

The slides immediately attracted scorn on Twitter, even inspiring graphics luminary Edward Tufte to weigh in:

The US government, though, is no stranger to bad graphic design. The Department of Defense is a particularly egregious offender, with its hopelessly complex network diagrams

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over-the-top collages

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Image for article titled A brief history of the US government’s awful graphic design

…and tacky flow charts.

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But the military is hardly the only offender.

From the Department of State:

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Image for article titled A brief history of the US government’s awful graphic design

The Environmental Protection Agency:

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The US Small Business Administration:

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From New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (pdf):

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And, finally, from the Department of Homeland Security, a design that’s not exactly ugly but certainly disorienting:

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