Whether new or old, station wagons rock harder than any other vehicle type out there. Wagons are the end all be all, the alpha and omega on four wheels. Their beauty is timeless; their versatility unmatched. Whether it’s a fast wagon or a slow wagon, an off road wagon or one destined for the track, there’s a wagon out there for all of us who love to drive. Who am I kidding? I’m preaching to the choir here.
Jalopnik readers already know that wagons kick ass. But we wanted to know which wagons our readers believe go that much further and stand out among the outstanding. As you might expect, Volvo was deservedly crowned the king of kings based on volume alone. Just try not to remember that Volvo wagons are dying a slow death. Oh, well. We’ll always have the Buick Roadmaster — even if it’s only to be found on overpriced local listings. We asked readers what wagons they believe are the best of all time, and these were their answers.