The 2nd gen Dodge Charger:
And yes, the ‘69 is the best looking of the three 2nd gens.
Recognized as a styling masterpiece from the very beginning. The ‘68 sold seven times the number of Chargers that the ‘67 moved.
All-time best movie car chase—the Bullitt editing Oscar is the proof. Universal’s all-time moneymaker is the Fast & Furious franchise—Vin Diesel always drives a 2nd gen in the flicks that he starred. (And F&F7 is the best of the series thanks to three 2nd gens doing their thing in the flick.)
Dodge thinks so highly of the 2nd gen Charger that you easily see the homage to the ‘69 Charger in the 2025 Charger Daytona EV. If you have half a million dollars to blow, you can order a carbon copy turnkey ‘70 Charger from a Dodge dealership today.
Even the federal government loves the 2nd gen: it got its own USPS stamp.
When I drive my Charger, it’s white, black or brown civilians who are old, young—even grade school children, or middle-aged—all of them go nuts when they see my Charger.