Sometimes cars look beautiful. Sometimes cars look functional. Sometimes cars look downright ugly. And sometimes, well, cars just look dumb as hell. Of course, “dumb” is a very subjective concept, possibly even more subjective than beautiful and ugly. It’s an interesting concept in that way, and it’s what led us to our question from last week.
We wanted to know what you thought the dumbest-looking car of all time was, and by George did you deliver. We’ve got everything from the highest-end exotics that look goofy to three-wheeled economy vehicle mistakes and pre-Great Recession American cars.
What I’m saying is, you folks understood the assignment. You get that “dumb” is more of a feeling and a vibe than an actual objective observation. I’m really proud of all of you. And with that, check out the slideshow above for a look at what cars your fellow Jalopniks think are the dumbest looking of all time.