Boeing’s crisis and the future of aviation

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Dear readers –

In late April, on Boeing’s first quarterly earnings call after the worldwide 737 Max groundings, an analyst asked an uncharacteristically direct question: “How did this happen?”

This week, Quartz members can access a new in-depth report that tackles that question, and looks at what comes next for Boeing and commercial aviation. You can sign up here for a seven-day free trial of membership.

In her deep dive report published today, Quartz reporter Rosie Spinks examines the global duopoly that manufactures the planes we all fly on, and what the Boeing crisis means for their balance of power. In stories publishing throughout the week, Rosie and Quartz Asia bureau chief Tripti Lahiri report on what Boeing’s path back from the crisis needs to look like, and China’s ambitions to unseat it.

Quartz members also get access to a new video series featuring step-by-step leadership advice from prominent business figures. This week, General Assembly CEO Jake Schwartz explains in detail how he motivates his team to pursue ambitious goals—and actually deliver.

If you sign up for a Quartz membership, you’ll also have access to all of our in-depth guides on areas of business disruption from the current tech IPO boom to the future of the corporate board, and free invitations to members-only events such as a breakfast in New York tomorrow with economist and author Allison Schrager.

I hope you’ll take advantage of the free trial of Quartz membership and benefit from all of this unique, in-depth reporting.

Kevin J. Delaney
Editor in chief, cofounder