Today in Quartz membership: A Crispr video, and a pricey patent battle

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Hi Quartz members!

We’ve got a lot going on today. Here’s what’s on tap.

A Crispr video and timeline

To understand how easy it is to use Crispr, you really need to see it in action. Our video team visited Josiah Zayner, CEO of The ODIN, which sells do-it-yourself kits that teach people how to genetically modify bacteria and frogs, to show us how nearly anyone could do it (which may be something less than reassuring).

Our data journalist Youyou Zhou built a fascinating timeline, charting the various developments involving Crispr—from its own discovery, to the ways it’s been used in plants, animals, and people. What’s perhaps most amazing is to see how much has happened in the only six years since Crispr was invented.

Friday’s Crispr conference call

Join us for a half hour at 11am ET Friday to talk about Crispr and gene editing in general. We’ll be joined by Quartz science reporter Akshat Rathi.  You can get on the call here, or call +1 888 240 2560 and enter meeting code 722 994 440.

Let’s keep learning. Send questions, comments, and new bacteria to

I hope you have a rewarding day,

Sam Grobart
membership editor